A Royal Conversation

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"Sofia," Amber greets her sister at the courtyard.

"Amber, have you been waiting all this time?" Sofia asks getting off Minimus.

"Yes, Daddy didn't want me to be in the throne room while he was talking to Mom," Amber says.

"Where is Dad? I need to talk to him," Sofia responds.

"I think he is still in the throne room," Amber says, "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I just want to make sure of something," Sofia says as both princesses walk into the castle.

"Did Emperor Quon agree to the lu'au also?" Amber says.

"Yes, I'm glad too, this is harder than battling Vor," Sofia sighs in relief.

"Girls, I was wondering where you were," Miranda says happy to see her daughters.

"Mom, do you know where Dad is?" Sofia asks.

"He is meeting with Constople Miles about the elf situation," Miranda says.

"I can help with that, it will help me prepare for when I am Queen," Amber says.

"Okay girls, good luck," Miranda says knowing that Amber needs the training.

Amber and Sofia head into the conference room where Roland is in a meeting.

"Girls, I am very busy, I can't play right now," Roland tells his daughters.

"Actually Dad, I need to talk to you about the war," Sofia says.

"Excuse me Constaple," Roland says knowing that the war is more important at the moment and that he needs to turn his attention to his daughters.

"Daddy, are you going to invite the people who came here from Khaldoun to go to the lu'au with us?" Amber asks.

"I wasn't going to," Roland says.

"Dad, the citizens leaving is what started this war, if we bring them to Khaldoun and show them that the lu'au is for them then they will want to stay and the war will end," Sofia says.

"You're right," Roland agrees, "Baileywick send out invitations to people from Khaldoun that can fit on three boats."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the steward says.

"Can I invite Ruby and her family, her cousin lives in Khaldoun," Sofia says.

"That is a great idea," Roland says cheerfully.

"Can we go help Maya in Khaldoun? Lani said that lu'aus can be a lot of work," Sofia says.

"And it is a duty as a royal to help other royals and the citizens," Amber adds as she remembers the lesson she learned on the Mystic Isles.

"Go ahead girls," Roland smiles.

"Thanks Dad," Sofia says.

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