Finding her

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On the way to Santa Barbara, Amanda called me again to tell me to go to the police office at Santa Barbara so we did once we arrived.  We asked someone once we get there and a police officer said to us:
- We got information, we might now where they are, they are at a farm out of town. But it can be dangerous...
- Why? - Stella asked
- Because we got Olivia's information and she might have done bad things in the past and Sarah put a demand on her once but then canceled it.
- From What? Can we know? - I asked
- Abused - He said
- WHATTTT?! - I Start yelling and going on circles and I start to cry - Please, get there, we need to take her away from her right away, she's capable of anything, please!!
- Call down, we are doing our work, we want to be sure is the right place. - He said to us
- Please do it now, I need her back now- I am crying very confused, not knowing what can I do.
- Lets calm and let the police do their job- Stella said
- Can we go with you guys if you know is the right place? - I asked the police officer
- I think that will be ok, but I have to ask my superior- He said with a smile - Be calm, we are going to get her safe.
- Thank you- I say
We sit at the reception for like two hours, while we were waiting I called Amanda and told her everything , she said she was on her way and be with us in 15.  Amanda arrived and the police officer came out in a hurry and yell to us:
- We got them, is the right place, LET'S GO!
We run behind him and go on our car and follow them. We get in the woods, it was already dark, once we get closer the police stop the alarms so they can't heard us. They stop and also we did, the police officer came to us and said- Stay here, we will get a little closer, do not go out, until I say you can! We say ok and they go closer and we could see for the light of the cars a house and a car park. It passed like 20mn and I couldn't resist I open the door of the car and Stella got my hand:
- What are you doing? - She says taking me back in the car
- I can't stay here waiting, is being so long- I say crying
- Please Mare, let's wait! - Amanda says
- NO I CANNOT! Sorry but I have too, don't come behind me- I say drying my face from the tears. I run to the house but very carefully, when I get closer I saw all the police officers out of the car pointing the house with a gun waiting for any move, I passed them without notice me, I get in from the back door and I see Olivia having one hand around Sarah and the other one with a gun on Sarah's head and all the police officers pointing them with guns they were yelling her to let Sarah go and she is yelling back that she will not, I got closer very carefully, one of the police officers saw me but he didn't say anything, I got one of Sarah's hand and pull her to me really hard that I took her out of Olivia's hand, I push Sarah to the door and yell to her, RUN! She got out but Olivia got me with a shoot on my shoulder but I keep running and I hear another shoot but I didn't feel it. Sarah stop and look back and I told her- KEEP RUNNING! - I am feeling a fire on my shoulder but I keep running, the police officers say to us - Hands up! And other police officer comes behind us and yell to them- Is ok, we got the girl- all the police guys put their guns down and some came to assisted us and the others run to the house with the other guy, I felt on the floor and I could just hear Sarah yelling my name.

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