Term 13

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Microscopic Encephalon
U up????

Microscopic Encephalon

Microscopic Encephalon
Hyung r u awake

Yoongi hyung👿👹

Yoongi hyung👿👹
Yes, Jimin, I am awake.

Microscopic Encephalon

Microscopic Encephalon

Yoongi hyung👿👹

Yoongi hyung👿👹
Is that not your name?

Microscopic Encephalon
Well- yeah...

Microscopic Encephalon
I mean I'm so used to u calling me names like

Microscopic Encephalon Is typing...

Yoongi hyung👿👹
Please, I beg you, if this is going to be like last time when you wrote "incomparacent" instead of incompetent I don't want to hear it.

Microscopic Encephalon

Microscopic Encephalon
Well u get my point

Microscopic Encephalon
But anyways, why r u up at 2am

Microscopic Encephalon
Did I wake u?

Yoongi hyung👿👹
You didn't.

Yoongi hyung👿👹
I should be asking you that.

Microscopic Encephalon
I asked first

Yoongi hyung👿👹
Alright, well if you must know I'm in the middle of studying for a big test I have to take in a couple of hours.

Microscopic Encephalon

Microscopic Encephalon
U studying?????

Microscopic Encephalon
I thought u were smart

Yoongi hyung👿👹
I am.

Yoongi hyung👿👹
But a little reviewing never hurt anyone.

Microscopic Encephalon

Microscopic Encephalon
Make sure u rest soon

Microscopic Encephalon
Don't wanna be tired for tmr

Yoongi hyung👿👹
I'll get around to that soon.

Yoongi hyung👿👹
So why are you awake?

Microscopic Encephalon
Ntn really

Microscopic Encephalon
Just have alot on my mind rn

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