Term 11

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Microscopic Encephalon
I just realized something

Microscopic Encephalon
Why is it that every time we talk we always end up arguing and then u leave me on read

Mean Nerd😕👓
It's because you're annoying and aren't very bright.

Mean Nerd😕👓
Also, why do you still not use punctuation marks?

Mean Nerd😕👓
I've asked you multiple times to use them.

Mean Nerd😕👓
Also stop using those stupid abbreviations.

Microscopic Encephalon
And I'm the annoying one😞

Microscopic Encephalon
We're friends now so I don't hve to do it

Mean Nerd😕👓
I don't recall ever wanting to be your cully.

Microscopic Encephalon
Tf is a cully

Mean Nerd😕👓
And this is why we could never be friends.

Microscopic Encephalon
U know what

Microscopic Encephalon
Instead of insulting me let's atleast try to be friends??????

Mean Nerd😕👓
If it doesn't work you must stop bothering me.

Microscopic Encephalon
Ur not even going to try r u

Mean Nerd😕👓

Mean Nerd😕👓
One less grey hair to worry about.

Microscopic Encephalon
Oh, so u r old👴

Mean Nerd😕👓
I am not.

Microscopic Encephalon
How old r u then

Mean Nerd😕👓

Mean Nerd😕👓
I'm 6/25

Microscopic Encephalon

Mean Nerd😕👓
If you want to figure out my age just turn that into percentage.

Microscopic Encephalon
I asked Hoseok hyung because I'm too lazy to Google

Microscopic Encephalon
So u're 24??????

Mean Nerd😕👓 
Wow, that Hoseok guy is alot smarter than you I see.

Microscopic Encephalon
He has a boyfriend so chill

Mean Nerd😕👓
I never asked??????

Microscopic Encephalon
Just letting u know, I don't want u going all boy crazy on me

Mean Nerd😕👓
What the fuck?

Mean Nerd😕👓
Are you serious right now?

Mean Nerd😕👓
I told you just because I'm into guys doesn't mean I like every guy I see.

Mean Nerd😕👓
You're pretty ignorant for making that comment.

Microscopic Encephalon
Wait, I didn't mean to offend you

Mean Nerd😕👓
What did you think you were going to do with making such a comment??

Microscopic Encephalon
I didn't mean for it to come out so bad

Microscopic Encephalon
It's just that his bf is easily jelly so I'm there to make sure ppl don't hit on Hoseok hyung.

Microscopic Encephalon
It was a reflex

Mean Nerd😕👓
"I don't want you going all boy crazy on me."

Microscopic Encephalon
It was a joke!

Microscopic Encephalon
I'm srry if I offended u, I just make alot of jokes like that with my friends that likes guys

Microscopic Encephalon
I guess we aren't on the stage yet😅😅

Microscopic Encephalon
My bad, really

Microscopic Encephalon
It's cool if u don't want to tlk to me anymore I would totally understand, I just wanted to make sure u didn't leave thinking I was a homophobe

Microscopic Encephalon
It would suck though, I really wanted to be friends. Wanted to get to know ur name and other shiz

Microscopic Encephalon
Oh u've stopped responding, I guess this is bye then???😔

[1 hour later]

Mean Nerd😕👓
Min Yoongi.

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