Term 39

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[A few days later]


Where did u go?

Jinnie hyung🌟💟
I went to the store to buy some groceries

Jinnie hyung🌟💟
I'm having someone over for dinner tonight

Jinnie hyung🌟💟
Why? Did you need me?

Jinnie hyung🌟💟
Has something happen to you? Another panic attack?

Jinnie hyung🌟💟
I'm on my way

No, stay where u r

I was jst wondering since I jst came out of my room n u were gone

I'm fine, I only needed to talk

Jinnie hyung🌟💟
Do you want to do it in person or just want to get it over with and talk now?

Can I call u?

Jinnie hyung🌟💟

Incoming calls from Mochi🍥💕


Jin raises his phone to his ear after accepting the call, pushing his cart down the aisle he is on.


"Jimin, what's up? What did you need to talk about?"

"So...." It goes silent for a couple of seconds on the other end of the call, Jin raising an eyebrow and stopping near some rice that he has to choose from. "I've been thinking...."

The ebonite places the phone between his ear and shoulder, picking up two bags of rice and inspecting them, patiently waiting for Jimin to talk since he didn't want to rush him.

"I want to text Yoongi hyung.... tell him I ready to talk to him and if we could meet up." Jin hums into the phone, choosing a bad and placing the other back, putting the one he chose into his car. He proceeds down the aisle.

"So you've come to terms with what you want?"


"Are you sure what you're choosing is what you want and that you won't regret it?"

There isn't any hesitancy in his voice "Yes." There's a short pause before he speaks again. "I thought long and hard about everything, stayed up late every night thinking about everything, ignored him for the most part and he's been nothing but patient with me. I think it's only right he's the one of the first to know what I want."

The older leans against his cart, listening intently to his friends words "And what exactly do you want?"

The line goes quiet once again, Jin halting in the middle of the aisle to await his answers.

And then he speaks "I want to..."


Yoongi hyung

R u free this Saturday?

Yoongi hyung❤💙
Uh yeah totally I am


Would u like to meet that day?

Like around 4pm or so?

Yoongi hyung❤💙
Sure, I'm totally down


Yoongi hyung❤💙
Seoul or Daegu?

Seoul if you don't mind

Yoongi hyung❤💙
I don't


I've thought rlly hard abt what my answer is

Yoongi hyung❤💙
Oh so you've made up your mind.....


Lile i said, I put a lot of thought into this

Yoongi hyung❤💙
Well whatever you do, once again I respect your decision

Thank u hyung

[Read 3:33pm]


Ending might be happy or even sad, you never know.

Would Jimin come to terms with his feelings for Yoongi? Or will Jimin reject his feelings and him and crush Yoongi's heart? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.

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