Term 43 *Smut*

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Yoongi is in between Jimin's legs, hovering over him on the bed, messily making out with him as the male whimpers under him.

After a night of clubbing with the guys at a gay bar just because, both Yoongi and Jimin had become a little tipsy. They were very touchy in the club until the guys decided to go home and Jin and Namjoon dropped the two off.

When they entered their shared apartment they immediately headed for the bedroom, Jimin collapsing onto the bed and Yoongi climbing onto him and attacking his lips.

Now 7 minutes into the intense make-out session, breaks here and there and they are both extremely hard.

The older places one more peck on Jimin's lips before leaning up, resting his weight on his bent knees as he removes his own shirt in a speed.

"Are you topping tonight?" Jimin questions, sitting up and removing his own shirt.

"Yeah, I have a presentation in the lab tomorrow and I don't want to be walking funny in front of everyone."

"Mmm, you're lucky I'm off tomorrow." He usually taught a dance class along with his friend Hoseok and his boyfriend, but he had Saturdays off when Yoongi didn't. "But I'm taking control tonight."

The black haired male raises an eyebrow, but he has no time to question anything as Jimin hooks his legs around his waist and twist and shoves Yoongi onto the bed.

Yoongi is suprised for a moment, but smirks at the view of Jimin sitting on his crotch and slowly rocking his hips.

"There's no need for all that teasing, just grab the stuff."

Jimin shakes his head, half smile on his lips as he leans down and rests his hands on Yoongi's chest "You don't get to tell me what to do."

After 3 years of being together, Jimin has gotten more comfortable with whatever role he plays in the bedroom, be it bottom, top, sub, or dom, he just gets immersed in the role.

And right now it seems he wants to be a bottom that's dominant.

Yoongi likes- no, loves it whenever he does this.

He begins biting his bottom lip, holding back a groan as Jimin proceeds to grind both of their already hard crotches against one another.

"Come on, hyung~, let me hear you." He whispers bear his ear, the older letting out a small groan.

"Come on, Jimin, don't be a tease."

Jimin let's out a small laugh but decides to oblige. He climbs off of him, opening the middle draw of their bedside table and pulls out lube, just lube since they're at the point in their relationship that they trust one another wholeheartedly.

He climbs back onto Yoongi and instead of sitting back on his crotch, he sits on his thighs instead.

He sets the lube next to their bodies and unbuttons the male's jeans, climbing off and pulling them off with as he goes. He removes his own and returns to Yoongi's thighs in his boxers.

The pinket leans down and captures their lips in a sweet slow kiss for a couple of seconds, trailing his lips down Yoongi's neck the next and leaving marks along his his chest since he had a presentation the next day.

Yoongi groans yet again when Jimin rolls his hips as he sucks marks into his skin, he goes to the younger by the waist but he gets his hands smacked, Jimin sitting up in the process.

"You aren't allowed to touch me."

Yoongi makes a noise of complaint, this is the only part he hated about Jimin being a dominat bottom. He always restricted Yoongi of many things.

Scientific terms  (Yoonmin) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now