Chapter 9

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“Christian, how sure are you that Kate is here with her real dad,” my mom asked me as we pulled onto the street my hide-out was on.

“Pretty dang sure because why else would there be a car parked in front of it,” I answered. “Stop here so that if it is Kate and her real dad here he won’t hear the car.”

She pulled off to the side of the road and shut the car off.

“Look at me, Christian,” she said and turned to face her. “You are not allowed to go in there if Kate’s real dad is in there, understand? If Kate is in there with her real dad you are to come straight back to this car and we’ll call the cops. Do you understand?”

“Got it,” I told her.

“Be careful,” she said before I got out of the car to go peek in through the entrance of the hide-out to see if it was Kate and her real dad that was here.


“Since we’re here now why don’t you tell me why you brought me here,” I asked my real dad.

“I’m pretty sure you already know,” he said.

“You’re going to kill me, aren’t you,” I asked.

“You’re a really smart girl, Kate,” he told me. “It actually surprised me when I made you believe that I wanted to give you my inheritance.”

“I didn’t believe you had an inheritance that you wanted to give me,” I said. “So are you really dying or was that a lie that you made up to see if you could gain my pity?”

“Yes, I am really dying of cancer,” he answered. “That is why I have to hurry and take care of what I’m going to do to you and then get back to my new family so that I can spend my last couple of months with them.”

“You’re not going to be able to kill me before someone comes to save me,” I said.

“Don’t get smart with me,” he slapped my cheek hard then he pulled a pistol out of his pocket. “After all, I’m the one with the gun.”

“Don’t you dare hurt her,” Christian yelled as he walked in through the entrance of the hide-out.

“Christian, no,” I shouted as my real dad turned the gun on him. “Get out, he will kill you!”

“If he wants to try to play hero then he can try,” my real dad grinned evilly as he cocked the gun.

“Kate, I’m not going to let him hurt you,” Christian told me. “Don’t worry, though, he can’t hurt me.” At that, Christian pulled a pistol out of his pocket.

“Really kid,” my real dad laughed. “Why don’t you give up on trying to play hero and go home to your mommy?”

“Because I believe that if you love somebody then you should protect them even if that means that you have to risk your own life,” Christian told him.

“I’m not worth getting killed over,” I yelled at him. “Just go home and let me deal with this!”

“No,” he yelled back at me. “I don’t care if he injures me as long as I can save you.”

“He won’t just injure you, though,” I told him. “Christian, he’ll kill you even if you don’t get in the way of him killing me.” By now I was sobbing because I just wanted Christian to leave so that he didn’t get hurt.

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