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For the next few days, Jisung haven't gotten a text from the older at all, maybe he thought finally the older decided to stop texting him because he told the older that he has a crush? But Jisung was also kinda upset that the older isn't texting him tho, he misses Minho already


Jisung was waking towards the library with Felix to return and borrow more books to read, when Minho isn't texting Jisung, Jisung will either do homework or read, He loves reading ;)

"Sungieeee, I'll wait here, you go get your books, I'm too lazy to move" Felix whined and Jisung nodded, Felix waited at the library couch while playing on his phone


Jisung when to return the books first then, he when towards the bookshelf to find some new books to read, he walked around until he spotted a book that he have always wanted to read

Jenny Han's "To the boys i loved before"

But is all the way up on the top of the shelf, there's no way his little short legs could reach them, there wasn't any ladder any where around the library too, Jisung try to jump or tippy toe to reach the book, but he still couldn't get it, he cross his arms and pouted a little, while he was thinking a plan to get his book, he heard a giggle next to him

He turned around with his pouting face, facing no other than Lee Minho, leaning against the bookshelf smiling at him, Jisung quickly blushed and panicked looking down, this is his first time being this close towards Minho-

"Do you need some help?" the older asked walking toward Jisung, Jisung really wanted the book, so he nodded in response, Minho once again chuckled


Jisung was still panicking, without realising Minho was right behind him, Minho stood behind him and stretch his arms up to reach the book, soon Jisung realise that his literally front of the older's chest. he blushed even more harder when he smelled the older's manly cologne

Minho smirked, he wanted to tease the boy a little, after getting the book, he spinned the younger around and pinned him against the bookshelf, Jisung's eyes widened, he quickly looked down not making any eye contact with the older, his face was literally as red as a tomato

Minho lift the younger's chin up and when in closer, Jisung shut his eyes tight, while his heart was pounding as fast as the flash

Minho leaned in closer, and Jisung could feel the older's hot breathe against his lips, the older smirked and when next to his ears

"Your book" the older Said backing off, Jisung slowly opens his eyes, finally taking a good look at the older for once

"Your book" the older Said again, making Jisung snapped out of his mind, and blushed in embarrassment thinking the older was going to do something else

Omg I'm so dirty minded wth Jisung...

"A-ah t-thank you" Jisung stuttered, he grabbed the book out of the older's hand and quickly run towards Felix, the older smirked at the younger running away

"Ah, Han jisung, you're driving me insane" Minho bite his bottom lips, and walked off

Glad I could control, nearly lost it at those lips he got, but one day those lips will belong to me, and me only

Baby,crush // Minsung 🔚  *under edit* Where stories live. Discover now