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The third year in Junior was not going well for both Felix and Jisung, after Kara have left, they hardly keep in contact with her, at the same time it was also hard to anyway. At first they will FaceTime and text each other, but soon it become less and less

To this point, they've basically stopped talking, Jisung was going through a lot of stress from school, and also because of his depression came back, he would start having nightmares once again about his dad abusing him, but Felix is there to comfort him and keep him companied


Not until-

Jisung and Felix hardly had classes together, Felix mainly takes dance and language classes, while Jisung takes singing and rapping classes, they...were not as close as before, both of them were busy with school work.

Jisung have also find a job and left Felix's house, they would catch up a few times during the week, but both of them will just sit in silence either studying, eating or on their phone

Jisung starts to get annoyed, he misses his old friendship with Felix, when they would hangout everyday, talk and laugh about their crushes, but now Felix would hangout with his new friends, Jeongin and seungmin, yes seungmin, the boy in the basketball team, Felix and seungmin have gotten closer, since they both take language classes together. Since then Felix would ditch Jisung and hangout with them

Maybe instead of annoyed, Jisung was more like jealous that seungmin and Jeongin is stealing Felix away from him, Jeongin was the cute boy in school, a lot of people finds him cute even Jisung himself, Finally.

After all the ignoring...

Jisung decided to speak up about his friendship with Felix



What's up?

Are u free right now? I want to talk to you

Umm sure, but be fast bc I'm kinda busy

Oh..umm actually is ok nvm, do your work first

Nah is ok just say it

Is it ok if I call you?

Umm sure

Squirrel is ringing~



"Hey....what do you wanted to tell me?"

"Umm you see we recently have been busy with school, works and stuff... I kinda thought about how we're not as close as before"

"and? "

"I...want to ask if we're still friends"

"of course!"

"R-really? But we hardly hang-"

"No I'm serious"


"Felix hurry up, we're leaving"

A voice could be heard from Felix's side of phone, Jisung's heart suddenly dropped

"Sorry I need to go byeee"


As Felix said he ended the phone call, Jisung was upset, very upset, he start crying, because he misses the old Felix, Felix just then sounded so cold, and there was also someone else on the other side of the phone, and the voice definitely belongs to seungmin

Jisung was going through a hard time, and Felix was not there for him, he was back to the sad Jisung once again, but this time a little different, he start enjoying the pain with..

Baby,crush // Minsung 🔚  *under edit* Where stories live. Discover now