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Second year in Junior

A year have pass, Jisung was happy, he made more friends, the boy have changed, Felix truly changed him, he was not that sad, but he still sometimes has nightmares about his dad hurting him, but Felix will be there to protect him


Felix and Jisung was cuddling while watching some romantic, Felix...he... he realise how much he loved Jisung, and wanted to stay by Jisung's side forever, but can he? What his doing next could broke their friendship, but if he doesn't try then....


"Sungieah~" Felix Said and softly ruffled the boy's hair

"Yes?" Jisung said looking up

"I like you" Felix Said while blushing

"I like you too lixxue" Jisung smiled

"No...as in more than friends Jisung, I- I love you, I love you more than friends, this might be selfish but I want u, I want you to be mine"

Jisung blushed, his brain stopped working, he didn't know whether to be happy or....

"F-Felix I" Jisung sit up now facing Felix

"I'm sorry Jisung... I know this won't work out, I should've not said it in the first place..this is so dumb.." Felix said looking away

"N-no that's not what I meant, I'm glad you at least told me" as Jisung said he leaned in and kissed Felix on the cheeks softly

(I'm sorry...my Changlix & Minsung heart is also broken writing this, but don't worry tho~)


Is being a few weeks now, both boys are officially dating, they're so lovey dovey, that Felix's parents couldn't even take it

"Ok you two love birds, now you guys should go to school you'll be late" Jisung and Felix both nodded, they hold hands while walking to school


"Lix Lix look" Jisung said and pointed at the news board at school

"Basketball competition" Felix mumbled

"Aww does my baby want to see?" Felix asked and Jisung nodded

"Okay okay sure thing" Felix Replied Back and kissed the boy on the forehead

The first four classes when really fast, it was finally lunch time, and the two boys have planned to watched the juniors play basketball against the seniors

Felix bought some food with Jisung before walking towards the stadium for the game

They find the best spot and sat there waiting for the game to start, finally after about 10 minutes the game are officially starting

It was the racha team vs G7 team

Racha were the juniors they were popular school boys, handsome,fit and rich, they were every girls and boy's dream men

Felix and Jisung both have seen the boys around school before, but they've never talked or cared much tho

Racha team's leader is chan, the dimple killer, along with Changbin the emo looking boy, Minho the huge flirt, woojin the only normal one and seungmin the smart one

G7 team were the seniors, even though racha team was popular, but the G7 team was even more popular

G7 team's leader is jaebum also known as his beautiful singing skills, along with Jackson who has the best body that all boys are jealous and wish they have his body, Youngjae the cute one, Bambam the weirdest one and Jinyoung the normal one, but his personality is cold as hell

There were rumours that Youngjae was dating jaebum, Jackson was dating a water boy name mark, Bambam was apparently dating the dance captain name yugyeom, who knows? is all rumours

But rumours could be true sometimes....

Baby,crush // Minsung 🔚  *under edit* Where stories live. Discover now