Episode One (The Masquerade Part I)

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"Thank you all for watching, and I hope you have a wonderful day, bye!" I say as I end my video. I begin to watch it over and edit for a while when I hear a knock at my door. When I open it, it is this woman dressed in black, and she hands me a note. She doesn't even say anything, she just simply hands me a note. I take it very confused, but she's not done. She comes back 2 minutes later with a package. She tells me to read the letter first though, so I just grab the package, and goes back inside. I decide to call my friend Gabbie about this. I FaceTime her and she answers immediately. I tell her about this letter I got, and she sounds so confused, that is until the same woman knocks on her door. She comes back to her phone, and she has the same letter & package that I got. We conspired about what this was, but eventually she had to go because her mother was calling her, so we say our goodbyes and hang up. I go back to my note and I start reading it. "Dear Sophia, I've been away for far too long. I want to invite you to a masquerade ball at an estate like no other. I'll explain everything after you arrive." Then he goes on about the Victorian Era, and he refers to the package that I had also gotten. I open my package, and I see this mediocre dress that looks pretty cute. It's not a big dress which is good because I wouldn't be able to get around anywhere. It's just a nice Blue & White dress that I'm assuming is from the Victorian Era. I also find a note in my package. I read it, and it says: "The Barista." I decide to go to the party since I hadn't talked with Joey since last year, he's like disappeared since then. I put on my dress, put on the boots that came with it, and also apply the make-up that I was given. 10 minutes later, I notice a carriage outside of my house, I step outside, and it is the carriage that was said in the note that would take me to the ball. I get inside of the carriage, and off we go to the ball.

*30 Minutes Later*

We finally arrive, and I am presented with this huge home, and all I can think is: "how tf is this Joey's?! I know he gets his money, but Jesus Christ this is fabulous." I walk in, and I'm greeted with more YouTubers. There's Alex, Liza, Tyler, Jesse, Destorm, Tana, Andrea, and a few minutes later, Gabbie comes waltzing in as well. I've been friends with a few of these YouTuber's for quite some time, the only people I'm meeting for the first time was Destorm & Jesse. I've collaborated with Tana, Alex, Andrea, & Gabbie, and I've just seen others at public events. A lot of people seem to have shipped me and Alex though in our few collabs that we have made together, commenting "oh he likes her" or "she likes him" or "they would be a cute couple", but they haven't really bothered me, I usually just ignore them, and mid thought, this man comes down the stairs, and introduces himself as Dorian.

"Welcome to the estate." He says, and we all listen, and we're just wondering where Joey is. Liza even asks Dorian, but he just brushes the question off. After Dorian leaves, we all go and talk in groups. I go back and talk with Gabbie & Tana, and we find this book at the top of the stairs with this cryptic word message on it. It says "EVIL." Which is 100% a creepy thing, so we decide to take it down to our other friends. Alex, Tyler & Destorm has also found something that needs some type of code. Gabbie tells them to put in the word that we found upstairs, and it works! It opens up, and it reveals some type of key. Just then, this girl, I think Dorian called her Alison, pulls Me & Alex aside. She tells us that her father is lying to us all, and that we need to get out of here, I'm just standing there trying to process what this all means, while Alex is just constantly asking her questions, she brushes some questions off, and we return back with the group. Alex starts telling everyone that we should leave, when Just then Liza starts screaming, and I turn around to see the door slam, and Liza is no where to be seen. I immediately panic because like this is something out of some type of horror movie, and I did not come here to die. I instinctively start running towards the rest of the group, and I end up bumping into Alex, and I fall flat on my butt on the floor. I immediately start laughing at myself, and blushing for doing that, but dang did that hurt. Alex also starts laughing, and he grabs my hand to help me up, and I am just so happy that no one else noticed because that would've been so embarrassing.

We enter the ball, and there are so many
people here. Our whole group goes to one corner of the room. Then all of a sudden, the man that greeted us begins to speak. "Dinner is here." He says, then all of a sudden, the lights start flashing, and I quickly grab onto Alex since I feel the most safe with him. And all of the people in this ball look at us, and they are vampires. We are the dinner. Alison protects us, and thankfully they don't attack us. However, they open up the curtain, and we see Joey, then not too long after, Liza is being wheeled out. We all scream her name, and Tana somehow has the guts to go running through the pack of vampires to get to Liza. She doesn't stay there long though as they send her back. Just then I realize how long I am holding onto Alex, and I let go of him, and chuckle, "sorry I was scared," and I let out a laugh." "Oh no, it's okay, trust me. I like it when you do that." He says semi-giggling. It both makes us blush. Just then Alison starts ushering us out of the ball, and I get the hell out of there as quick as I can. When we get to this room, Alison starts telling us about if we ring a bell, we best beware, because if we don't, we will get got by a vampire, and I'm like kind of nervous since there's a lot of us here, and all of the men are in pants, and regular shoes. So we start working on this puzzle about the kings last game of pool, and not to brag, but I did manage to find a scroll. But what I found is nothing compared to Alex who is looking high and low, and is setting up this pool game as if he was building Legos when he was younger. Halfway through the challenge, I hear a bell ring, and I do what Alison says, and I get out of sight. I run straight behind a curtain as fast as I can but when I open it, Alex is already in there, so I literally have nowhere to go, so this vampire just comes in, and swipes me up from out of this room. I put up a fight, but not too much of a fight. I figured that they weren't gonna kill us since they would've killed us earlier, and they would've also killed Joey instead of just taking his blood. So he ties me up outside by one of the doors, and not too long later, Andrea also comes and takes a spot next to me. We're both freaking out and all that, but we both have a feeling that it's gonna be alright.

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