Episode Two (The Masquerade Part II)

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We're been tied up here for about 10 minutes, but then FINALLY Joey & Liza come across us, and unties us. We follow them back to the house, but we manage to see the rest of the group walking outside because Alison is taking them to leave. We run up to them, and we all get your average reunion hug. Except for when I get to Alex, and he picks me up and spins me in a hug. I laugh, but our laugh is quickly over after Alison tells us that the carriage is gone, and we are stuck here. We head to a this beautiful room in the house also known as The Lounge, and Destorm reads a book that he finds. What I'm basically getting from this book is that this lady known as a sorceress killed this man, and locked this estate in time so that she could live forever. But, it's the next part that really grabs my attention: "There are 8 gems of power kept by the lieutenants, if they can be gathered and placed in the map, the crown will be revealed. The wearer of the crown will have the power to stop her spell and return home. However, obtaining a gem will require unraveling dark mysteries, and voting on two who must undertake a terrible challenge that will end in death. Time is short, soon her spell will be complete and there will be no future to return to." This basically means that 8 of us will have to DIE. I am full blown terrified, I came here for a ball, not DEATH. Alison then tells us that her father wears a gem around his necklace, and In order to get it, we must MURDER her father, the King Of vampires by using Salt, a Stake, and a Sun Stone. I'm here wondering if this is some type of trap, because like why would she want to kill her father? It doesn't matter, because I would like to kill him anyways. We end up finding some salt in the pool queues, and Joey already had a stake somehow. So all we need is the sunstone. So Tyler has this half of a map, and it has obelisks and hands on it, and of course, Alex figures out we have to hold them together, and then the other half of the map would be revealed in order to get the sunstone. The map basically reveals all of these spots on the map, and we go and connect ourselves with some rope in the same position as it shows on the map. Just then, a chest opens up, and inside is the sunstone.

Alison takes us back to the lounge, and she tells us that we need to go undercover into the vampire's ball. She asks for a volunteer and it's pure silent. I definitely don't want to do it so I just stay quiet. That is until Andrea says that she'll do it. Alison tells her the answer to the riddle, but before she can go, she had to drink blood from a vampire's neck in order to get the human scent off of her. This is where I'm kind of happy I didn't do it, I definitely didn't plan on drinking blood. So my job was to help Gabbie & Liza pour the salt. After we pour it, I run back up the steps, and I stand there next to Alex, who has the sunstone. Once Dorian & Andrea comes out, Alex shines the sunstone on him, then Joey comes out and kashinks him with the stake, and grabs the first gem. We all scream in excitement because no one had to die for it, meaning that one more of us can escape! But it seems like we celebrated too early because the Vampire Queen comes out and gets ready to kill us all. "No, mother! These are my friends. Father was killed the proper way, so I demand you follow vampire law." Alison thankfully says. She's really proven herself. Alison then tells us that we need to switch a life for a life, and that we had to vote 2 people to undergo the challenge. I'm actually terrified, like I'm shaking in fear, because I am just so terrified at the thought of death. We all enter the lounge, and everyone is split up into groups. Since I'm all alone I decide to go and talk to Joey, Gabbie, & Tana and Before I can get there, I hear them saying my name, and I like flip. "So you want to kill me off?" I say.  Joey tries to act all innocent saying "Hi....!" He says smiling. But Gabbie goes all out on me, saying how she doesn't want to kill anyone, but she just simply thinks that I haven't done anything to help the group, and about how I hadn't done anything. Then Joey decides to make this all public to everyone, and for the most part, it seems like everyone is voting for me to go in. They barely even let me defend myself. It's almost time to vote, and I go over to Alex, who probably knows what happening, "you aren't voting for me, right?" "What?! Of course not! You'll be fine trust me." He says re-assuring me. I'm still pretty sure that I have high chances of going into this challenge, so when the time came, instead of voting bitterly, I decided to vote for Tana since I think I have the best shot at beating her.

"Sophia." Alison says. I sigh, and rub my forehead with my glove.

"Destorm." Alison also says. I'm not too happy or confident about going up against Destorm since he's been very helpful, but I could've been worse.

We say what we presume to be our final goodbyes, and we head off.

We enter the ball, and the Vampire Queen tells us that we must unravel 3 clues in order to get the golden goblet. And if we take too long, they will kill us both. We read Step One at around the same time, and it says to find 3 stars around the room.  Me and Destorm both have found 2 over the course of about 5 minutes, but I find the 3rd star before him however since it was on this one vampire. So he directs me towards my next step. I pull off the table cloth like how he tells me to, and by now Destorm has just found his 3rd star. Under the table cloth is a box of snakes. I was absolutely terrified, but it's no way I'm gonna let snakes come between me and living, so I just reach my hand in there, and grab it out. I begin Step 3 right as Destorm starts reaching his hand in for the clue, and it's to do this basic 5th Grade Math, then use the answers in order to unlock the code in order to open the coffin. I get there first but Destorm is right behind me.
5x7 - 31 = 4
2+8 x 3 = 30
I figure out that the code is 430, and I figure it out before Destorm in order to move on to my next step where I had to put in the golden coins into the skeleton's eyes. Then I had to stab a dragon with a sword. Once I did that, the Queen presented me with the Golden Goblet.

"Destorm... I'm really sorry." I say as I grabbed it. And before I know it, all of the vampires charged at him, and ate him alive. It was absolutely terrifying. Just then Alison grabs me, and we head back to the lounge. I walk in without saying a word, and everyone has these **super** dramatic gasps. They ask me what happened, and I tell them everything. I get hugs from everyone, surprisingly from Gabbie, Joey & Tana who said that they regretted their decision. We already had the gem,  and one of our friends had already died.


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Stay tuned!

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