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A few minutes later Fukawa came back with a box of donuts and a bag of blueberries. She walked over and set the food down. 

We chatted for a while, about topics we didn't even care about, things like weather and classmates and tests we knew we couldn't pass. Until the topic of Byakuya Togami came up.

"What is he? Like, your crush?" I ask Toko, tilting my head slightly. 

"W-well um.... y-yeah" Fukawa said, her cheeks turning a sweet shade of pink. 

Toko leaned forward ever so slightly. "Y/n... Do y-you have a crush?" she asked in a soft, low voice.

I felt my face heat up. Why the hell is my face so warm?? 

"It's o-okay you can t-tell me..." Toko says, leaning forward again. 

It was at this point in time that I started to question if I did have a crush. But on who? And why? 

Suddenly Fukawa sneezed, sounding like a smile squeak. 

" Come on shithead tell me who ya fallin' for!!" Toko yelled. Her eyes now looked crazed and a long tongue hung out of her mouth. 

She proceeded to lean against me and place her hands on my chest.

"T-toko wha-" before I could finish my panicked question she cut me off. 

"Y/n~!! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Tell me who you looooove!!" She shrieked. 

"F-Fukawa are you okay?? What's wrong??" I quickly questioned.

"Whaaaat? I ain't Fukawa dumbass!!" 

This is most confused I've ever felt. "Well then who are you?? You just look like Fukawa, but crazy ."

"Oh no no no! I look much better than that lame ass! I am Genocide Jill! Bwahahahaha!!!" Genocide Jill screamed.

" Wait like the murderer Genocide Jill?" I fearfully ask. 

"The one and only!!" she yells. 

"So tell me, who ya crushin' on?!" She says, leaning even closer to me. Our faces were now mere inches apart.

"U-um no one..." I say after a moment of thought. 

"Then why ya all red??" 

Why am I so red??..." I don't know.."

"Oh you poor thing." Jill said sympathetically. "Loves hard darlin'. But you'll figure it out!" she said before kissing my nose and standing up. 

"Now if you'll excuse me. I haven't had some me time in a while and today is a great day to kill a man!  Au revoir!!" She said before grabbing a couple pairs of scissors and slamming the door on her way out.


Hi friends!! 

Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. Just got a little distracted. Also sorry if Genocide Jill is a little out of character. I just had so much fun writing this part haha!! :) There will probably only be a couple more parts to this story. Also idk if I spelled Au revoir right so feel free to tell me in the comments!!

Aaanyways I would like to say thank you to  @danganronpaOC for their support! It means so much to me!! (^ヮ^)<3 

{{sry I had to edit this like 4 times things were glitching out}}

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