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Meeting Him:

Sometimes the only thing that keeps you sane in college is the Newspaper Club.

When taking a look at the other club members, that may sound like an oxymoron, but it is true for you. With the ever-growing list of clubs at your university, the one thing that caught your eye was the newspaper club. You had always wanted to be a writer, and you met the requirements for joining (there weren't many, to begin with.)

It took a while to get used to some of their antics, but you found that you fit in the little group perfectly and enjoyed their company. You considered Feliciano, Ludwig, and Kiku your friends.

Today however was going to be stressful for many reasons. Together, the four of you are going out to interview the clubs and get an exclusive for the paper. Talking to so many people is going to suck, but there is one person that is going to make our day better.

You are going to meet your soulmate sometime during your interview.

The thought alone was enough to make you want to hurl, but that would be a terrible way to meet your soulmate. You tried to focus on whatever Ludwig was shouting about, but instead, you munched on whatever treat that Kiku shared with you all.

Group after unnecessary group, you ask questions and try not to look at your wrist. You don't feel how you thought you would. You are about to face your destiny, and you should be happy, but all you can do is think of the headache you are going to have later on.

After being interrupted while interviewing the madrigals choir, Ludwig led the four of you to the next club that calls themselves the "gastronauts," their whole thing has to do with food so maybe if you're lucky you can get a snack from this.

The club kept going on and on about how exclusive, but from where you were standing in the back(behind the towering Ludwig,) you weren't impressed. You scribbled as many notes as you thought necessary next to Kiku, and walk past him to ask the members' names for the paper. The shortest of the three happily answers you first, but before you can say a quick thank you, a loud alarm rings and you freeze.

Oh great, your first impression of your soulmate makes you think he is some self-important asshole.

College Shenanigans:

Once the alarm had stopped, you were immediately grabbed into a hug by Feli, which was followed by Ludwig yelling at him to let go. You'd laugh at them if your heart wasn't trying to leap out of your chest.

Your friends had given you some time to talk with your soulmate after the scene they made, but it was an awkward introduction. Things were awkward between the two of you for a few months. You've never been big on meeting new people unless you had to do it, and in this case, there was no avoiding it.

Fate had tied the two of you together for a reason.

Once you accepted it, things seemed to calm down, and Yao had done that sooner than you had. After the first few weeks, he had gotten very comfortable being around you which had only made you feel more flustered. He took any chance he could to you blush. You have come to realize that Wang Yao was a BIG flirt.

He loved having your attention on him, so he had a terrible habit of distracting you when writing. It didn't matter if you were working on an essay or something for the club, Yao knew how to push every button you had.

To be fair, you would much rather be doing anything else than write another useless article for Ludwig, but if you stopped now, it would never get done. Having to hear the blond yell at you the next time you see him wasn't something you wanted, so you pushed through.

Your loving soulmate wasn't helping at all.

Sitting across from you, Yao had taken out several containers and opened them one at a time. Your eyes darted from the screen to see all the different kinds of food. They looked amazing and you might have skipped eating breakfast because you were going to be late. The smell alone made you stop mid-sentence to stare.

With a mischievous look in his eyes, he encouraged you to take a well-deserved break. It would only be a few minutes, and he did work so hard to make you all of this. It would be rude to not try something, right?

Let's just say that you did NOT finish writing anything for the rest of the day.


In the early stages of your relationship, you would come to realize that Wang Yao had a HUGE family. He had a few siblings and many cousins that you would get well acquainted with. Turns out that Kiku is a distant cousin, so you always had someone else to talk to at gatherings that made you mellow out.

You had a big family, but it was nothing like his! Everyone seemed to swarm at you when he first introduced you. It was a long day...

However, now you feel comfortable with them all and had even befriended some of them. As Yao invited you to his family's place, some of the others stuck to you like glue. Surprisingly, his teenage cousin Leon became a fast friend. He was always showing you something on his phone to make you laugh. He loved calling Yao an old man from the way he acted. Sure, he was a few years older than you, but it's not like it is a crazy number, so you never cared.

Yao sure did care.

He made sure to complain about it every time the kid mentioned it. When the two of you were alone he would start to act funny and distance himself. It was starting to make you worry so you had to ask what was wrong.

Apparently, the thought of him being older was something that he thought of frequently. He told you that he was nervous that you would one day decide that he was too old and leave him for someone younger. The idea that he had been thinking like this broke your heart. You were floored. Why would he think that? His age never bothered you before, why would it start now?

Fate had a reason to set you two together, and there was nothing that could change your mind.

Date Night:

After that night, you were constantly trying to cheer your soulmate up. Whether it was a cute Hello Kitty plush or a marathon of his favorite shows, you were desperate to show that you adore the man. He had an exam he was stressing over and had wanted to come to your place for some alone time away from everyone and you were excited to be there for him.

Except, you had gotten an ear infection over the weekend and felt horrible. Once you told him, he was quiet and hung up. To be completely honest, it kind of upset you. It's not like you did it on purpose...

An hour later and he was at your door with some things to make your favorite food, medicine, and a stuffed animal.

It made you feel silly that you would ever think that Yao would have been mad at you for being sick. You know your sweetheart better than that. I guess the muffled hearing and sore throat are really coming for you.

Yao cooked while he forced you to rest on the couch. Soon he would hand you a plate as he sat down next to you. It was perfect, and after you were both done, he held you while started to feel sleepy. With a kiss on the forehead, your eyelids felt impossible to keep open. You felt like the luckiest person alive.

You made sure to let Yao know that with every chance you get, and when he ends up getting sick some time after, you do the same for him.

You would have to thank whoever was in charge of setting you two as soulmates because they were really good at their job.

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