Forever Yours

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"Choose your faces wisely..."
"He is not who he says he is..."
Gabriel takes on Aziraphale's form to deceive Crowley.

<<TWs for all chapters of this book will be updated in the desc. of the book

Word Count: 3677
Requested by: @/nepherim on Tumblr!

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Aziraphale fidgeted nervously as he sat in a pristine, white chair...much cleaner than anything should naturally be— it wasn't exactly natural either, he supposed, as it was in the realms of heaven.
It was strange to be in a completely empty, white room with nothing but a chair and desk before him.
He hadn't been called up to heaven in years was more than startling... upstairs had never given two cents as to what he was doing- no more than recognizing how long he'd been on earth, hardly what he did, however- and even when they had finally decided to award him for his duties, to promote him upstairs, the offer had...suddenly disappeared after Gabriel's run to pick up a tailored coat of his...quite strange indeed..
Crowley was more than likely behind that, but best to have the benefit of the doubt in this case.

Aziraphale hadn't been told what he was to be doing upstairs...merely that it was urgent.

He'd been in the room no more than a few minutes, it being a branch off f the normal, larger room of heaven, this one looking for like...a very clean interrogation room...
Regardless, it toon only a few minutes before the door, just as clean and white as anything else in the room, no lights needed from how the walls shone with how bright they were, opened and Gabriel stepped in, shutting it behind him and sitting in a chair opposite of Aziraphale, a table in between them.

No words were spoken as Gabriel set down a collection of photos on the table.

Aziraphale looked down nervously, and it hardly helped him when he saw what the pictures were of.

Multiple photos of he and Crowley- walking, talking, sitting, having lunch.

"O-Oh, dear, well, I can't explain myself-"

"No need." Gabriel waved his hand all too calmly.

"I-I was simply trying to get closer to him to-!"

"I believe you, Aziraphale." Gabriel gave a piercing smile, "Manipulating a demon? Ingenuous, truly, I applaud you."

"Oh- Oh, yes, yes good, of course." Aziraphale's lips twitched into a nerved smile.

"Of course, it's not me you have to convince." Gabriel suddenly frowned, not one that showed genuine concern but more of one that was out of habit, as if his muscles knew he should feel guilt, though his mind did not.


"You see, Michael found this photos in the back channel- heaven knows where those are, not my department," Gabriel shifted in his seat, folding his hands together on the table before him.

"Michael...Michael thinks-"

"The evidence is overwhelming, I'm afraid." Gabriel sighed, "It's quite a simple fix, though.

"Oh...oh it is?" Aziraphale only looked moderately relieved.

"Yes, of course." Gabriel went back to grinning before reaching for a briefcase that had somehow miracled itself there at some point. He gently placed it down on the table and opened it. He delicately took out a silver dagger.

Aziraphale's mouth went dry, "That's a- that's-"

"A holy dagger, yes, metal cooled in the holiest of waters to give it just the most Devine shape- and accomplishments, too. Inflict a wound somewhere vital on an unholy being- and poof!"

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