A Brief History Lesson: Skips and Figments

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Have you ever felt something? Something you couldn't explain? I bet you just said it was a figment of your imagination.  

If you have you're wrong. It wasn't a figment of your imagination.

You see, when whoever created this world became lonely, they created life to cope. What? No, No humans yet. First came animals. No, humans come later! Shut up and listen. We came next. First came Silence. Then there was Color. After that came Time. Jendhenko was followed in this order by Sound, Peace, and Insanity. But our creator made a mistake and they knew it. You see, they wanted company for all of eternity, so they made us immortal. Then they abandoned us and made humans.  Because of this, we started calling ourselves Skips.

We soon became lonely too. So, we paired ourselves with other Skips. Color and Time. Sound and Insanity. Silence and Peace. Each group had a specialty. Color and Time bred mythical creatures. Sound and Insanity created all incantations. Silence and Peace created all potions. Soon, all of us had a "pet".

No human could see or hear the "pets", so we took to calling them Figments. So, are you still sure you just imagined something brushing past?

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