4. Incest

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Seriously, what is it with this website and incest? Of course, I realize incest is popular amongst the internet, but at least people everywhere else have the decency to separate incest from everything else, or warn readers in summaries. But this website? They just write it into the story and expect people to be okay with it. It has gotten so bad, that some writers have to specify that they aren't writing incest.

The sad thing is, that these stories are decent, until they randomly make a brother and sister fuck. It's written into stories like it so normal, and it's....gross. I mean incest is gross, regardless, but the fact that this website has normalized it to the point that writers don't feel the need to warn readers, they just write it into everything and it's treated as a normal kink.

This is a problem within another problem I have, which I'll do in another chapter, where Wattpad writers have this undying need to make everything sexual or romantic, that they even have to sexualize family relationships. I will cover this later, but incest books isn't the only place I've seen it.

Please, if you're going to include an incestual relationship, please, please, please at the very least disclose a warning. Some people (me included) are very sensitive to these kind of things, because of things that happened in their past. To some people incest isn't kinky or hot, but it's very fucking traumatic, and it's disgusting how so many of you just expect people to be okay with it

Anyways, my daily rant, enjoy.

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