CH.2 A New World

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~2009 Sept. 30~

Ryan Alexandria was walking through the rainy streets of Oregon without an umbrella people looked at him as if he were mad but to him he felt as though they were the ones with a problem he wasn't afraid to get wet . every body acted as is if a little water would hurt them or ruin their hair.

he ignored some of the looks from the older adults and smiled at the gaping teens he passed. Ryan loved being out in the rain and loved it even more so when he was by his self in the back woods of his home but his mom had asked him to go to the city and pick up a few thing's.

he'd grudgingly said yes and had driven the car to the city and was now walking up and down the paved streets of the shopping center getting soaked too the bone in his Blood On The Dancer Floor t-shirt.

his black skinny jean's were soaked too his neon blue converse shoes were completely washed out and his socks made a splosh splash sound every time he took a step in them. his blond white hair was plastered to hid fore head and his beanie seemed to dissolve into his scalp.

But still Ryan was smiling with every wet step he took.  Ryan felt like he was on top of the world he entered the bakery and stopped it was freezing in here and he wished he was back home were he could strip off his wet cloths and dry off then lay down in his warm bed. he looked around and saw Fred the baker at the front of the store he walked over and asked if his mom's order was ready yet and asked him to place an extra wrap of plastic over since he'd walked here.

Fred smilesd at the sopping wet mess and went to the back to get his mom's order. "thanks Fred", Ryan said putting the ten on the counter and turning to walk out with the large cake.

"your welcome Ryan and next time try using an umbrella they help!", he called as Ryan walked out the Bakery. Ryan checked his mom's list to see if he'd gotten every thing on the dame thing. smiling when he saw that the Bakery was his last stop he turned on his heel and headed toward his car all the way at the end of the of the city limits.

Zanenickolis stirred from his slumber his ice green eyes blinking open as he yawned his tail uncurled from his body his wing's fanned out as he stretched his great body. when he turned into his human form he found strange clothes laying beside him. odd he thought have the humans come up with a new fashion? 

"a new fashion, new transportation,new homes new everything and i must say all of it is just breath taking", Zanenickolis turned around and saw Barley standing in front of him wearing a very skin tight mini skirt and a black halter top with knee high combat boots.

Zanenickolis nearly lost his voice he'd known witch's could be stunning but now Barley seemed to be breath taking. "by gods woman have you no modesty?",Zanenickolis asked looking at her with unashamed eyes.

"of course i do Zanenickolis but in this world this is what they consider modest, thought not every one agrees with it i like it the twenty first century is full of some many strange and unique things", she said with awe in her voice.

 "then perhaps you should wake me up in a few more years", he said laying his naked body down on the ground and began to shift form.

"ah but then you wouldn't be able to find you mate then because he'd be dead or to old then"

Zanenickolis stopped mid transformation and stared at the witch. had she just said what he'd thought she'd said his mate was hear in this time and world and it was a male? he nearly wanted to laugh as much as he wanted to roast her.

"witch what are you talking about?,"he snorted steam rose from his nostrils "i have no interest in men"

Barley laughed, "ah dragon that's why he's nt a man he's a boy only sixteen"

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