CH.4 Acceptance

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yes? Alex replied his Iphone buzzing in his hand. 

mom and her perv of a boyfriend are out tonight wanna come over i'm inviting Marie.

Alex replied yes and that he did want come over after he told Ryan that he put his phone in his pocket and headed straight toward Ryan's house on his motorcycle. hr let the soft misting of the ran cover him and his bike as he raced toward his friend's house.

Marie pulled her car up to the front of Ryan's house and pulled her duffel bag from the trunk. when Alex showed up about a minute later on  his slick bike she gave a half hearted sneer. now it truth she thought that Alex was a sweet guy. but he just did stupid stuff.

"sup'? RI? he,asked calling her by her nick name. she turned and smiled at 

"not much bout the same as you and yourself?" she asked him walking toward the front door.

"same here you spending the night too?"

"yep",she said ringing the door bell and waited until a golden haired shorty answered the door Alex pounced on Ryan and flung him over his shoulder causing Ryan to sequel and Marie to sigh. as the headed up the stairs Marie stopped to turn around and lock the door.

they walked up the stairs till they hit the landing of the stairs but still Alex didn't put a kicking protesting Ryan down. when they reached his room Alex threw Ryan on his bed and crawled on top of him. tickling and wrestling him.

Marie walked in and sighed "ugh can you ever be a gentleman?" 

"nope",Alex replied pushing Ryan back down then sitting on the smaller boys chest. Ryan squirmed and shoved until Alex was finally off him Ryan sat up then and crossed his legs. Indian style on the bed. Alex then took the computer chair and sat  backward in it.

while Marie just stood. "so what's with wanting us to stay over Ryan?", Marie asked shrugging off her duffle bag. 

Ryan smiled,"no reason really just my mom went out with Jake again tonight and well..."

"oh my god!",Marie shouted,"she's still with that perv?! Ryan i thought you told her already!"

"i was going to!', he cried,"but it's just my moms been so unhappy  that i couldn't destroy the one thing that gave her some happiness"

"but what about your safety? huh shouldn't you matter more than some guy?"

Ryan flinched back from that comment though it had been a question, he felt as if he'd just been back handed with a hack saw.

Marie sighed then crossed over to the bed and wrapped Ryan in a hug "hey i'm sorry buddy boy but i just don't see why you won't tell her"

Ryan didn't speak he knew why he couldn't do it, it would destroy his mother. and he just couldn't live with that.

Marie saw the pain in Ryan's eyes and apologized. she went to making her pallet on the floor for the night. Alex kept staring out the window which put Ryan into a creeper alert he went over to see what had caught Alex's attention and gasped when he saw what was standing outside his window.

Nick stood merely eight feet from his house and was looking up at him through his window as if he'd been waiting for him.

"who's that guy?",Alex asked staring down at Nick Ryan dry swallowed because all the moisture in his mouth had vanished. for some odd reason he didn't get the creeper alert from Nick just a sense of serenity.

"he's a new friend of mine i met a few day's ago", Ryan lied not entirely sure why he'd done it.

"so you invited him to?",Marie asked sounding a bit peeved.

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