CH.3 A Discovery

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Ryan walked deeper into the cave his fascination grew even more as he gazed up at what seemed to be golden stalactites on the top of the cave. his eyes gleamed with wonder as his feet took him deeper and deeper inside. he felt as if the cave where calling to him some how and no matter what he would answer the call.

 Barley watched on with eagerness as Zanenickolis called to the boy him. his mouth repeating the ancient song of a dragons love over and over again as the boy crept closer and closer in  to the cave. when Ryan stepped past the small river that some how ran through the cave Barley cloaked herself to make it as though she were invisible as Ryan walked past her while in his trance like state.

Zanenickolis stopped his call when Ryan stood no more than three feet from him his body felt alive as it had never felt before his member was hard as forged steel the boy before him stood at no more than a mere five feet while he was at least six eight.

"who are you?",Ryan asked his eyes never leaving Zanenickolis's own.

"i'm uh Nick and i called you here" this only caused Ryan to giggle and smile

"you called me here? that's sweet and all but if you really did that you'd have to be a magician or some thing",he replied holding back his laughter.

 "does a dragon count?",he asked not sure of the answer he'd get. 

Ryan stopped laughing he looked at the tall guy in front of him he is cute but i think he has screw loose why else would he be saying all this crazy stuff? "sure i guess dragons could count if they could talk but that's only in fairy tails right?"

Nick grabbed Ryan and pulled the smaller boy against him Ryan didn't scream nor did he fight back his shock had him frozen and the tall boy holding him gazed at with eyes that made the insides of his stomach twist and turn.

"wha-what are you going to do to me?",Ryan whispered his body felt warm and safe but for some reason odd though it be. he felt that the body heat was coming from the boy holding him."let go of me!",Ryan yelled snatching away from the larger boy.

Nick released him and watched as the youth slowly backed away from him. "i'm sorry i meant no disrespect",Nick said hoping that Ryan woudn't turn and run. Barley watched Nick slowly reach out and take Ryan gently by his hand. very clever dragon she thought smiling. Nick then pulled Ryan closer to him and took hold of his fore arm.

again Ryan asked the same question. "what do you want with me?"

Nick sighed and held on to the boy before him how could he get Ryan to understand that he was now the most precious thing to him in the world? Nick ground his teeth looking for an answer but couldn't find one.

Ryan reached outahandand simply brushed the shaggy brown hairfrom Nick's face. Nick caught Ryan' handand heldon to it.

"sorry", Muttered Ryan pulling his hand away as Nick released it from his grip.

"no worries", he replied allowing Ryan to pull away but not completly out of his reach.

"looook i have to get home before my mom starts wondering where i've gone and stuff so may be we could talk some other time?", Ryan said turning to leave. Nick grabbed his arm and stopped him Ryan turned around and stared wide eyed  at him.

"when can i talk to you again?", Nick asked his grip on Ryan strong.. Ryan to Nick's relief didn't scream or run or even cry out he simply blushed then smiled. 

"i don'tknow how bout some time to night?", he said easing Nick's grip on his wrist. Nick reluctantly let go and allowed for him to walk away. when he was finally gone Nick let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding in.

"i take it you ike your mate very well?", Barley said as she eased by him.

"you were right witch it was worth the wait, but..."

"but what dear friend?"

"i can't help but sense he wanted to stay though he could not"

"ah", Barley said then placed a hand on his shoulder, " Listen to me well for what itill you next Zane will enrage you but you must not act upon this least you lose your mate for ever"

"i promise now tell me why did he want to stay?"

"because he suffers for his mother's happiness", she said in a rush.

"what do you mean he suffers? does she beat him?!", he roared

"no she doesn't though i think hed rather be beaten..."

"then what is it?! he shouted his voice carring over hers.

"the man she sees oris seeing tries to intimadate Ryan but has not yet done so and makes his life harder"

"what?!, Nick roared with his outrage he slammed his fist into the cave wall just as he stormed out of the cave into the rainny down pour. he sniffed the air and caught Ryan's scent he knew which way to go. with a fire burnning stronger inside of him with every step Nick took his first steps into this alien like world.

"Ryan i mean it you'd better be on your best behavior tonight", his mother warrned sternly Ryan rolledhisees and mumbled. when the door bell rang he went to answer it and on the other side stood the scum of the earth, the creepiest of the creeps,... Jake.

"hey kiddo where's your mom?", he asked in a finged tone.

"in the kitchen waiting on your sorry as-"

"aww now kiddo you don't wanna go there you'll only get your self in to more trouble", he said on a whisper as he slid his hand up Ryan's arm. Ryan snatched away from the creep and glared he wanted to say something so bad but didn't he loved his mom to much and couldn't hurt her like that.

"one day you perv i'm gonna"

"you'll what tell your poor heart broken mother you scared off another guy?",he siad cutting Ryan off. Ryan stepped back and allowed him to come in before slaming the door and alking up to his room just before he heared his mother enter the room and started talking to jake.

when he heared the door close and his mom yelling for him to not wait up Ryan immediatly dived for his cell phone. he started texting his friend Alex and his other friend Marie.

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