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"My name is Brock Snuckel, I'm a detective who just moved to Los Santos. With just a week of living here, I've encountered some strange situations. It's my job to catch these guys. If anyone finds these tapes, assume that I am dead and walk away. There will be more of these."

I set down the recording and sighed. "Are you alright, hun?" Lauren asked, wrapping her arms around me. "Yeah. This is a big case I'm working on. It's a life or death situation here," I explained to her. I felt bad taking this case since I had a wife and a daughter but I was the only person with enough knowledge on these guys to help out. "Baby, please don't go..." Lauren pleaded with me. "I'll be back tomorrow morning." "Promise?"

I can't be making any promises. There's no guarantee that I'll survive to see another day.

"I promise."

I left my house leaving Lauren behind. I had to work on this case. My family is in Los Santos, I can't have them walking around when there are gang members hunting people around them and quite possibly targeting them. I didn't want anyone to be in danger. That's why I took up this job and more specifically this case. These gangs are getting out of hand. I entered the police department and saw Craig standing over a table.

He noticed me and stood up fully, "hey, Brock." I nodded at him. "What do we have here?" I asked looking over the map. It had pins on it and pictures off to the side.

"A map of Los Santos. The pins are where there have been recent crimes and the pictures are the gang members we have identified." There were only about 5 or 6 pictures there and that just goes to show how hidden these gang members keep their identities.

"Detective Thompson, Detective Snuckel, there has been a crime at the pier." A small man says. Craig and I started running out to the cars only to find none. I sighed as we started running to the pier.

We made it there in a few minutes since we weren't that far from the pier to begin with. I approached one of the store workers, "what happened here?" He shook his head, unable to answer my question.

"The- The Banana Bus Crew was here and they...they look my son!" He looked horrified. I nodded, "please stay here sir." I walked up to Craig who was putting on his gloves, "we got a store worker who had his son kidnapped by the bbs." Craig took a deep breath and nodded. He always got shaky whenever I mentioned bbs.

"We might have to look at the beach as well, maybe something was left behind," Craig suggested.




It was now dark outside and Craig and I were searching the beach. I flashed my flashlight onto a piece of paper, "turn around..." So I did. Craig was missing. "Craig? Craig!" I called out trying to run around the beach. I tripped over something and then I was on the ground. My headache from being out in the sun for so long.

My vision was blurry. I tried sitting up but something -or someone- pushed me back down onto my back. I looked up and saw two men wearing masks. One was wearing a pig mask and the other was wearing a Jason mask. "We got him Vanoss!" I was confused before I watched as a man in an owl mask appeared in front of me. "Perfect." I had my recording device so I quietly pressed record.

"Get up."

That voice came from another man who stood by my head. He wore a horse mask. His voice sounded familiar but I couldn't quite tell why. I followed their instructions. "Search him." I gave them a blank stare. The horse mask man searched me and stripped me of my guns. He didn't seem to find the recording device though. Good.

"You're coming with us, okay?" The pig man and a new man in a bunny mask grasped my arms and dragged me over to a car. "What did you do with Craig?" 'Vanoss' laughed slightly but didn't answer my question. I was pushed into the backseat as the horse man and pig man got into the car with me. They had a conversation about guns and I recorded it.

If I could just escape from them, I could go back to the station and see if we can trace them based on their voices.

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