·Chapter 1·

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"So, Mr. Snuckel," Vanoss said. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was one of the higher ranking criminals in the group. "Why did you take our case?" I refused to speak.

All I wanted to know was where Craig went. Vanoss gave it a few more seconds before looking me over. "Not talking, huh? You do realize that you have a bounty on your head right?" My eyes widened.

"W-what?" I finally spoke. "Yeah, 7 grand. Seems like whoever put the bounty on you thinks that you have value. You're lucky that we were the ones who found you and not the misfits." The misfits. Another high ranking gang. Just below BBS. Not much is known about them other than the fact that one of their members joined BBS.

The misfits are responsible for claiming bounties dead or alive.

"Why am I lucky?" "Because we don't want the bounty. We're not planning on hurting you unless you run away. And you won't be running away anytime soon." "How do you know?" "Because we've got eyes on your wife and daughter." I struggled against the restraints against my wrists and legs.

"Touch them and I will kill you." "Like I said, we're not planning on hurting you. We don't kill the innocent but...you aren't that innocent are you?" I glared at him and growled quietly. "Cheated on your wife and with a man nonetheless..." "Shut up! What do you know!" He shook his head. "I know a lot more than you think I do. I'm probably the second friendliest person you'll meet here. Terrorisers the first."

Terorriser? On cue, the horse man walked into the room. "Terroriser meet Brock, Brock meet Terroriser. He'll be keeping you safe while you stay with us." "Stay with you? No! I gotta get home! I promised Lauren!" "You knew that you couldn't keep any promises as soon as you joined this case." Terroriser used a knife to cut the restraints and set me free.

I was about to make a run for it but he grabbed my arm and I stopped, "I don't recommend that. Wildcat or Delirious could kill you on the spot. I'm not an enemy to you and I don't plan on becoming one. We've got a room for you, c'mon." Everytime I hear his voice there's a sense of familiarity..."what's your name?" "Terroriser. Vanoss just-" "no, your actual name." Terroriser stayed quiet while bringing me to my room. Once we made it he shut the door.

"I'm really not supposed to be telling you that-" "do I know you?" Once again, he didn't speak. "Well? Do I? Can you at least tell me that?" He sighed and nodded, "yes Brock, we have met once or twice." Irish accent...how many people with Irish accents have I met? Quite a few. "Mason, Carlton, Carson, Brian, Daniel, Crane..." He didn't react in any way to any of the names. "I'll bring you up to meet more of the guys in a bit-" "can I ask one more question?" He sighed but not in an annoyed way. He just seemed tired out by the activities of today. "Why do I have a bounty?"

"I honestly don't know. My best guess is that you have a past with gangs and most of us don't wanna risk anything." Then he was gone and I was left alone in this locked room.

"My name is Brock Snuckel. I was taken by BBS. I was told that I have a bounty of 7 grand on my head. I have met Vanoss and Terroriser. They took Craig. I have to find him."

It was a short log but- it was a short summary of what had just happened. I wish I could call Lauren...tell her that I'm sorry. Then there's Terroriser. I know him. Him and I have met far more than one or two times. He just seems too familiar...I don't know who he is but if I talk to him more, maybe I can figure it out.

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