I Get a Visit From...Apollo?

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I woke up in the medical tent again, and I had a hard time remembering why I was here. What happened last night?

I remember three lights that were floating above my head, or something like that.

"Good morning my dear,
You are finally awake,
It's me, Apollo."

I snapped back to reality when I heard the haiku from Apollo's mouth.


I was staring at the one and only Greek god Apollo who was sitting on the end of my bed. I wasn't sure how I had even known that for sure, maybe it was just a seventeen-year-old glowing dude with blonde hair and the whitest smile...

"A-Apollo?" I was in too much shock to keep my words straight.

"Call me Dad," he smiled at me. "I claimed you last night, remember? That yellow glowing light above your head - the lyre- that was me."

"But...weren't there three lights?"

He frowned, and immediately I regretted bringing it up. Angering a god was probably bad, and since this specific one is my father...well, that's worse.

"How about we don't talk about that," Apollo suggested, slapping the happy back onto his face. "I'm a god and I'm here to visit you!"

"What all-do respect...Dad...Why did you come to visit me? I mean, you have so many other kids..." I trailed off, remembering the people from cabin seven.

"Because you're special. But I'm not going to be here much longer. Sun's about to rise, and it's my shift." He put his firm hand into mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. It was warm, and soft, and comforting.

He ruined the moment when he said:
"Otrera, I just want to let you know that you're in danger."

Followed by:
"Terrible, nasty danger."

"Tell Chiron I told you this, about the danger and all."

And he ended by saying:
"And then maybe, some day, if you live long enough, you could help the sun rise." Then he kissed my forehead, and I squeezed my eyes shut as light filled the cabin.

When I opened my eyes again, Apollo was gone.

I pushed myself off the cot and started towards the big house. If Apollo himself came to tell me I was in danger, then heck, I was in danger!

I bounced up the steps and walked through the big house door. Mr. D and Chiron were playing a card game, but they stopped immediately when I came in. Their eyes seemed to be scanning me as I stood frozen at the door, until Chiron broke the silence.

"Tera, you're awake..." he gave me a curt nod, like this surprised him.

"Yeah..." I agreed.

"At this ungodly hour of the morning." Mr. D muttered. I wasn't sure what he was upset about, it wasn't like I'd woken him up. I guess he just really hated demigods.

"Apollo visited me," I informed Chiron. "He told me I was in danger."

"Well, Tasha. It's very rare that a god comes and visits a child. Good for you."

I groaned. "It's Tera, sir."

Mr. D nodded, but didn't seem to care.

"Wake Percy and tell him to call the councillors for a meeting. Come back when you're done." Chiron said, running a hand through his wild hair. He was in white-stallion form again.

I agreed, and then turned to leave the big house.

The sun was just peaking up above the horizon, the sky was pink, the birds were singing, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. If I wasn't in danger, I might've stood to admire it.

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