I am the cause of death...

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Tera's POV

"It didn't make much sense before but now I understand."

Everyone watches me confused.

"One time I got a note from a kid in my grade, it was a year ago. I had thought it was something to taunt me or something to piss me off but it wasn't. It was a note in Greek, I was surprised I could read it but I didn't think much of it." I sigh.

"It said: The one who's feared, will take control. Killing your friend, your brother, and more. All will be over, shortly after that. That is in fact, only if you refuse to react."

I wait for their reactions. I wait for them to throw me off the top of the building for not preventing this.

I wait.

Surprisingly, they don't hurl me over the edge. They just stare, shocked.

I think I'd rather be thrown off the buildings then stand in the unbearable silence.

"You couldn't have known what it meant." Annabeth decided. "No matter when you were told this, even if it was just before the quest. Tera you couldn't have done anything!"

Murmurs of agreement replace the silence.

Nico pulls me into a hug. I blush as I hug him back and I silently sob into his shoulder.

"Tera, I know exactly how you feel. You have no idea how many times I've been on your side of this with a dead friend on the other. But trust me, as long as you focus on your friends, you'll be fine." He whispers softly into my ear.

Without thinking I kiss him. I just pull him into a kiss. He doesn't resist, he kisses me back and for a while we just gaze into each others eyes forgetting everything going on around us.

"Death Breath and Tera...hmmmm...TERICO!" Thalia breaks the silence.

"What are you talking about?" Grover asks confused.

"It's their ship name. They're my otp." Thalia states.

Otp? Ship name?

~time lapse~

We retire into our rooms.

Drained from the day I've had already, and all the new information I need to process, I fell asleep as soon as I touched my cheek to my pillow.

~~The dream~~

A woman approaches me and stops in front of my eyes. She has black long hair and is very thin.

"It's been so long." She mumbles.

I try to speak, I try to ask her who she is or what she's talking about, but in this dream I don't seem to have a voice.

"I'll send them to you. I'll send them all to you!" She says excitedly.

A serious face creeps over the excited one. "Do NOT leave until you get it, got that?"

I try to nod even though I don't know what she's talking about, but once again, this dream prevents me.

"Good!" She smiles. "Now get up!" She claps he hands together and The image dissolves.

I wake up and nearly hit my head on someone standing over me.

"T-Tera?" Nico looks at me. "Are you ok?"

I nod. "Just a crazy dream, why?" I ask confused. How would he know I had a weird dream.

"Well we heard you screaming and I was elected to come see you, not that it wouldn't be me anyways..." he mumbled the last part.

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