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Tera wasn't gone. She wasn't dead. I knew because she wasn't in the Underworld.

I decided not to share that information. It would only result in total chaos, especially for Grover and Percy.

We stopped in a parking lot in front of a twenty story hotel.

"You can go back to camp, Argus." Will said. "We've got it from here. Thanks."

The giant nodded, and we all filed out of the van. As we made our way inside the giant double-doors, I heard Argus drive away behind me.

It was up to us now to finish the quest. And it was up to me to find Tera.

"Nico, you okay?" Thalia nudged me with her elbow. "You look paler than usual."

I nodded, looking into her electric blue eyes. "Fine. I'm just thinking."

Percy pulled out his wallet. "I don't think I have enough to pay for a night...especially not for more than one room."

I love how he just assumed he was the only one with money and the only one who could pay. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. At first, I was sure I was mistaken. But no, outside the window, there it was.

"It looks like we won't have to worry about that." I pointed to the army on the hill.

"Kronos's army." Percy growled.

"That means Luke..." Thalia said. I didn't think that her or Annabeth would be able to fight Luke, not with how close they were when they were younger.

Everyone hurried outside, taking their weapons out. Percy had Riptide. Annabeth had her dagger. Thalia had her spear and her hideous shield. I had my black sword. Will had a bow and quiver full of arrows.

Grover took out his reed pipes.

The army drew closer. To be honest, it wasn't much of an army. It was maybe less than 2% of the full army on Kronos's side. There were maybe twenty monsters, and maybe thirteen or fourteen demigods. Thirty-four to six.




"We kill them now and we won't have to worry about them later. Then, we attack that camp I was telling you about, got it?" Luke went over the plan as we marched down the hill with our army of monsters and demigods.

I wasn't sure what the mortals in or around the large hotel were seeing, but at the moment it didn't matter. I simply wanted to avenge my Dad and get revenge on Percy.

"Got it."

All the demigods and monsters who could were wearing Greek battle armour. Luke had suited me up, too. He had a sword...Backbiter, I was pretty sure he called it.

I also had a sword. It wasn't as fancy as his - bronze and silver - and it didn't have a name. I also had a bow and quiver slung over my shoulder, poisonous arrows at my disposal. But that was for the camp.

"Let's go kill some demigods." Luke smirked, but behind his eyes I thought I saw restraint.

I noticed that Percy Jackson was leading the group of idiots who would never survive against us, or so I was implied to think.

"Tera?" A satyr said my name as we approached. He looked absolutely dumbfounded as he stepped in front of Percy. "TERA!" He shouted louder.

"Luke! What did you do to her? Give Tera back!" A boy with blonde hair growled.

Percy Jackson: The New Half-BloodWhere stories live. Discover now