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Giselle Love|Juicy.

          "WELCOME back everyone

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"WELCOME back everyone." my teacher said as I blankly stared around the room. "It's nice to see familiar faces, I am Ms. Hurst and welcome to AP Language."

In response she got groans making her chuckle. "This class will not be hard if you try and listen, probably the easiest class you'll take this year. I do not give quizzes but I do give tests at the end of every unit, projects are not a big part of your grade but of course I will require a team assignment. Most importantly, communication and effort go a long way with me right along with respect."

"Let me get a pencil, Juicy." A boy in my class, Marshawn, tapped my shoulder.

"She ain't even give us nothing to write yet." I said digging in my bag and giving him a pencil. "I want my pencil back."

"What I look like stealing a pencil?" he asked.

"The same way you look coming to school without one in the first place." I said back as he thumped my forehead.

"This first assignment is a word search, you can come get one from right here. I want it done by the end of class." Ms. Hurst said sitting behind her desk.

"Get me one." I said to Marshawn as he walked past pushing my head.

"You got legs." he said.

"But did you have a pencil?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"You thought that was funny, you thought you snapped?" he asked me as I laughed.

"A little bit." I replied as he sat a sheet in front of me. I started circling the words that stood out and crossing them out.

"Aye, I can't find onomatopoeia." Marshawn tapped my shoulder. "Shit hard to find."

"Did you even look?" I asked him shrugging his hand off my shoulder. "It's right here." I pointed.

"Excuse me then." he turned his face up as I turned back in my seat.

"Welcome, the assignment is right here." Ms. Hurst said making me look up from my paper and quickly look back down noticing the boy I'd abruptly kicked out of my house a week ago. "Take a seat anywhere."

I watched him look around the room before looking dead at me, I looked down immediately hoping he didn't come sit next to me. "Lord please don't let this boy come sit- wowwwwww."

I silently huffed watching him sit down in the seat beside me out the corner of my eye, he wrote his name on the top of the paper, Khalil Matthews. He began circling things on the paper, I let out a sigh, happy that he didn't say anything to me.

"You can stop staring at me from out the side of ya eye." he said not looking up from his paper making me look around the room. "I'm talking to you." he said looking up from his paper.

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