The Bad

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I wish to fall into the deepest, darkest pit.
Be stuck in the bottom no way to climb to the top.
For when I'm there then I'll know.
Certainly know for sure what's it like to be you.

I'll be strong. I'll be dangerous. I'll be bad.
I'll be a shadow creeping behind all.
Suck the souls out the living and reek havoc on the weak.

A terrible person who cares only for me.
It seems to be the only way to live.
There will be no more pain leaking from me.
No more blood shed well at least not mine.

I won't be kind. I won't be merciful.
Just like you I want to be wild.
Then will you take me as yours.
Will you finally be mine?
Consider us the same, equals.
Twisted me, convoluted in every way.

Still I can't hurt others without a care.
Damage them just to make me smile.
Is there no way to please you without becoming less of myself?

I tried to understand you.
Spent time tirelessly trying to save you and bring light to your dark.
I chose those burdens to bear.
In turn you made me a victim like them.

Shall I throw away the good to be bad?

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