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Regardless of Tabitha showing no sign of recollecting her memories, James Potter had continued to follow her around

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Regardless of Tabitha showing no sign of recollecting her memories, James Potter had continued to follow her around. With that sudden change, it was no surprise that they were now the newest gossip in the school.

James Potter was no longer known as the one who pined after Lily Evans, but instead to the quiet pink haired Hufflepuff, Tabitha Longbottom. For her, she had to experience a lot of new regressions, such as getting snide remarks or rude gestures. It mainly came from the girls who wanted James, or the people who actually wanted Lily and James to officially become a couple.

Tabitha had a taste of the horrible things said to her, but luckily, she had her brother and his girlfriend Alice to defend her. Then if it was not them, then it was the Marauders, who gladly supported James having already like Tabitha.

Lily Evans had found it relieving but also astonishing that James Potter who spent years trying to win her over, had finally given up. She did not find any bitterness towards the Hufflepuff, but more of a silent cheer and prayer to her. She had probably seen herself giving in James at some point, but since he had averted his interest to someone else, she decided that it was probably for the best.

Some of her housemates were somewhat bitter about it and started rumours that James only sought out an innocent Hufflepuff because he was failing at winning over her. It was something she had thought as well, but with the way she saw him look at her, she knew it was nothing like that at all.

So, she became one of the people who came into her defence whenever she heard nasty comments sent Tabitha's way. Finally, it was to people who actually like the turn of events and some who only noticed the Hufflepuff despite her being in Hogwarts for 4 years.

A lot of people have been surprised to how much they've heard the girl speak, and swore to Merlin, that it is the most she talked since first coming to Hogwarts," You know" Frank asked leaning on his sister with Alice sitting across them," When I said you needed a change in your boring life, I didn't expect it for you to become the talk of the school"

Tabitha had tried to push her brother off but with no avail gave up letting herself become his own personal cushion," Frank, you are the reason for it, and I find it bloody annoying. I can't even be in the library without being bombarded with questions"

"Questions about you and James?" Alice said suggestively as she waved her eyebrows," I mean, it was a shock—but I really like the way he is trying. It was rather annoying when he pined after Evans, but for you—It's like he's a lost pup"

Frank chuckled at his girlfriend," Alice is right Tabs, I don't know what happened at the party, but something important must have taken place"

"Yeah, that something I don't think I'll ever recall" Tabitha mumbled flipping a page in the book she was reading," Now it's not just Potter, but the entire group are even talking with me. Right now is the first I could breathe, so I cherish these small moments like my life depended on it"

"It's cute" Alice commented and Tabitha just groaned choosing to ignore the topic from continuing. It would be a lie if Tabitha said she never wanted to recollect her hazy memories, but she was never going to openly admit that.

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