Game 2- I Don't Even Give A Shit If People Here Don't Read Newspapers Anymore!

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Hello guys!

Another update wohoo! So I'm not really sure if anyone has been reading this but it makes me happy to know that at least there are some. I'm not even sure if this story really is working. Hehehehe. So how are you guys? Me? I'm having my midterms and I'm still here. I'm in deep trouble! So here is the third edit. The previous ones were so short that I had to extend my vocab.

I just want to excuse Danny's bad language here. I don't want to see you hating me for that. It's in Danny's POV so if she has bad manners that's her not me. I just give life to her.

So enough of the chit-chat here is Chapter 2!

Theme Song: I Knew You Were Trouble


Game 2- I Don’t Even Give A Shit If People Here Don’t Read Newspapers Anymore!

“The school newspaper needs some new scoops! The council has been disappointed by the reports about our Sentinel since the readers have been reduced to one-fourth.” Timothy said as he continued to point at his chart of I-don’t-know-and-I-don’t-care-thing. The only reason for me to join the BermountSentinel was because I love photography. It makes me feel comforted and free from all the eyes of others. It’s like I was in my own world. It is in my own perspective and no one else will see it unless I share it.

“Earth to Danny!” Hot pink nails snapped in front of my eyes. I turned around and glared at the twins who was currently enjoying my daydreaming. I raised an eyebrow as I demand an answer they both giggled and whispered to one another.

“Tracy? Stacy? Do you mind to share what the hell is in your heads?” I snapped. I didn’t mean to say it out loud but still it came out. Everyone looked at me as if I was crazy. I saw Timothy Brawler eyeing me from head to toe and he gulped. I mean HE GULPED! That is never a good sign. Oh please, Oh please, Oh please! NO, NO, NONONONONONONONONONOOOOO!

“Please continue then! Don’t mind us.” I gave a dismissive wave and everyone started to listen to Timothy as he talks about something I don’t really care about. I looked at the twins and smiled at them. They smiled back and moved their chairs forward.

“Hey, Danny! Guess what! I saw Frederick Royce during P.E.” Tracy whispered as I leaned back to hear more clearly.  Stacy squealed at what her twin said and they continued to shower Fred Royce with compliments.

Stacy and Tracy are fraternal twins. Well they are both my best friends but they really irritate me especially when they talk about their three year infatuation with Frederick Royce. Tracy and Stacy are really different. Tracy is more reserved and planned while Stacy is more outgoing and spontaneous.

They both have baby blue eyes which they inherited from their father. Their cream colored skin was from their mother. Stacy has black straight hair while Tracy has curly brown ones. Tracy’s nose is more elongated than Stacy’s. One thing they have in common? THEY BOTH LIKE THE SAME GUY.

“Oh stop it both of you! I don’t understand why you both like Fred.” I clamped my hands on each of their mouth and we all looked at each other. As if on cue, we all laughed. I heard someone fake a cough. We stopped laughing and faced front.

“I just don’t seem to see what is really funny right now Danielle.” Timothy said as he adjusted his eye glasses. I rolled my eyes and slumped on my chair. Instead of answering him, I pulled my earphones  and placed it in my ears. I opened my iPod and played my favorite playlist.

You’re unexpectedly lost you couldn’t get me to fall

Is this your plan now all along because –

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