Game 1- How Come High School Is So Complicated?!

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Hi Guys! This is my second edit for the CLG novel. Well if there are any questions that you want to ask just fire away! :D Also if there are grammar mistakes just tell me so I could make time to edit it AGAIN :) So I won't hold you back anymore than this! Here's Chapter 1!

UPDAAAATE! : Im having a hard time with the chapter titles since I made sure it only uses tw words/ FREAKIN TWO WORDS! and it is hard... So I am changing the way I'll be creating my titles so that means... The titles will change but I won't edit the story yet so please proceed with caution :>

Theme Song: Sparks Fly


Game 1- How Come High School Is So Complicated?!

Love sucks. It’s a real pain in the ass or arse or… whatever. It’s not even worth the time. I think it’s the worst invention ever made throughout the history of our beloved earth. Well I guess I’m just over-rated.

The corridor of Bermount High isn’t crowded during this time of day.  It’s only seven in the morning and everyone comes around eight or nine. Well it’s my favorite time since no one will come bother me for another hour and I’ll have my time for photography.

I opened my locker and hang my jacket at the right side. My eyes gazed at my overly plain face in the mirror plastered on my locker door. I grabbed my SLR camera and slung the camera bag at my right shoulder. I snatched my sketch pad from its place and placed it between my armpits. As fast as I opened my locker, I closed it lightly. When I heard it click I started to walk.

I stopped to take a shot of the empty hallway of Bermount, moving the lenses of the camera to focus, when I suddenly felt I was being watched by someone. I took a step back and bumped into someone. I turned around to say sorry when I locked eyes with the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen. It was nothing compared to Drew’s hazel ones or Allan’s brown orbs or whoever that has two pieces of eyes.

“Oh, S-sorry…” I stuttered. He smirked at me and realized who was in front of me. It was Jack Miller! Well he’s NO ONE actually. He’s just the MOST ‘bad ass’ and MOST sought after guy in our school. Not to mention his good grades and crazy good looks. Well I checked him out several times but I never wished that he would talk to me;mostly because he gained the title ‘the girl catcher’. Well it’s a more complicated term for ‘playboy’. How come high school is so complicated?!

“For a small body you have, bumping into you is kinda painful.” He said faking pain. I frowned at his comment and realized that he was holding me by my arms.

“I think that’s a bad comment for a first encounter.” I muttered. He suddenly laughed lightly. I blushed when I saw his handsome smile. I was surprised when my phone suddenly rang. I pulled it out from the pocket of my jeans and answered the call.

“Hello?” I said in a whisper. I saw Jack smirked as he leaned on one of the lockers. I was greeted with silence from the other line when I heard my best friend’s voice. I waited for her to finally say something.

“Danny? Oh! This is crazy! I need to talk to you about Oliver! Oh god knows how sweet he is! Tell Jace I’m really enjoying his friend’s company!” I heard the happiness from her voice and it made me laugh. I listened to her ramble for another minute.

“Okay… So that’s the reason why you called?! Gosh, Steph try making sense!” I said rather loudly. I put my hand over my mouth when I realized Jack was watching me amusingly. I was getting lost at his intoxicating green eyes.

“Well, actually I’m not going to school today… My dad wanted me to meet the son of his mogul friend. Ugh! I just wished I could go to school today.” I heard her sigh; I could picture her as she closed her eyes in disappointment. Well, who wouldn’t be? I myself am disappointed.

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