The plane ride

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10:15 pm

When we got to the airstrip, we grabbed our bags, and walked to the jet. It was a very nice jet. It was white with gold lines along the sides. It also had a nice staircase attached to it. The stairs were lined with red, and the rails were gold.

Cyrus went in first since he was the pilot. He took a seat in the cockpit. The inside of the jet was very nice. It had white, comfy seats and cup holders on both sides. There were eight seats in all. They were divided into two sections. Four seats in each section. They moved back and forth with a button. There was also a small refrigerator between each set of seats.

I sat in the window seat. Jawa sat next to me and Mike and Zoe sat across from us. Chip sat with Erica and Catherine. Catherine sat at the window seat, and Erica sat beside her. Alexander sat next to his dad in the cockpit.

Erica made sure that her mom was strapped in before strapping herself in. She buckled Catherine's seatbelt, and pulled the strap. She made sure it wasn't too tight or too loose. Then, she reclined her mom's chair.

" Erica, you don't need to do all of this. Just because I'm pregnant does not mean that I can't do things for myself. Strap yourself in sweetheart. I'm fine." Catherine said.

" Are you sure?" Erica asked.

" Yes dear." Catherine replied.

Erica waited a second before answering. " Ok." She said. She strapped herself in, and reclined her seat to. She took out the neck pillow again. She handed to her mom.

" You want it?" She asked. Catherine looked at the neck pillow.

" Sure." She said. She grabbed it, and put it around her neck. Erica pulled out a baby blue blanket, and put it over her mom. Catherine gasped.

" You still have this?" She asked. Erica nodded.

" You kept your baby blanket?" Catherine asked. Erica nodded again.

" You brought this blanket everywhere we went when you were a baby. You would bawl your eyes out if you didn't have it. You even named it. Let's see, what did you call it?" Catherine asked.

Erica paused before answering. We all waited to hear what the answer was. Erica sighed.

" Blankey." She said.

" You named your blanket?" Mike asked.

" Yes." Erica admitted. " It's one of the only things I have left of my childhood."

" Awwww!" Zoe cooed. Catherine looked at her.

" She used to bring a teddy bear too. She would play with that thing all day." Catherine said. Zoe's eyes went wide.

" You had a teddy bear?" She asked Erica. Erica looked at her mom and gave her the 'seriously?' look. Catherine ignored her.

" Yes. In fact, she still has it." Catherine said. We all looked to Erica in shock. Her face turned light red.

" Mother!" She yelled. She looked at her mon in shock.

" What? I'm telling them the truth." Catherine said.

Cyrus started up the plane. The jet roared to life. We started taxiing out of the runway. I looked out my window. I was very worried about the upcoming events. But, I had my friends with me. We will get through this mission together. Everything will be just fine.

I reclined my seat, and went to sleep. I put all of my worries aside, and let my confidence overtake me. We will defeat this organization. It'll be alright. I drifted into dreamland as the plane took off.

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