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March 16, 2019
10:15 am

We all went to Alexander, Catherine, and Cyrus's room. The Hale's set up computers and headphones for us.

" What's this for?" Mike asked.

" We're listening to all phone calls that are being made in Berlin. Anything we hear could lead to the organization's location. We programmed a translator into the computers. That way you won't have any trouble trying to understand what people are saying. Select a computer, and start listening. Chop chop! We have work to do!" Cyrus ordered. We obeyed, and sat down at a computer.

I chose the computer beside Catherine. To my surprise, and my delight, Erica sat next to me. She put the set of headphones on, and got to work. I felt more sparks go off in me. I grinned and jumped a little in my chair. Erica saw this, and rolled her eyes.

Catherine looked at me too. She looked at me, then she looked at Erica. I could see a smile starting to form on her face. She tapped Alexander on the shoulder. Alexander looked up from one of the computers, and saw me and Erica. He grinned when he saw us sitting next to each other. He whispered something into Catherine's ear. It made her giggle a bit.

I looked away, and got to work. I put the headphones on, and began listening. There were so many calls being made. I clicked on one, and listened.

" It's so much fun here! I wish you were here with me. It would've been super fun with you." A woman said from one end of the phone.

" I wish I was there too, but I have a lot of work to do here. I need to finish it so I can spend more time with you, love." A man said from the other end. They sounded like a nice couple. I listened to their conversation for a little longer. All they were saying to each other was how much fun they were having and how much work they had to do. I moved on to another call after a little while.

" Oh my gosh. This place is like, amazing! First I went and got my nails done, and then I went shopping in like, the biggest mall ever! I took a lot of selfies too. I'll send them to you." A girl said from one end. This one sounded like a teenager. She seemed excited about her trip here, while the person on the other line sounded jealous.

" Lucky. I never get to go on any trips. My parents are soooooooo overprotective of me. Like, chill out. I'm able to take care of myself." Another girl said from the other line. She was a teenager too. They both sounded like they were friends.

" Yeah, that's too bad. Well, I'm going to go back to my hotel room now. I have so many things in my hands right now." The first girl said. Her statement made me wonder how in the world she even grabbed her phone to make the call in the first place. If my hands were full, I would've waited until I got to my hotel room to call my best friend.

Speaking of my best friend, Mike was sitting next to Zoe, listening to other calls as well. But, it didn't seem like he was doing that at the moment. Instead of staring at the screen, he was staring at Zoe. He looked at her the way I look at Erica. He didn't seem to be paying attention at all to the screen. Zoe glanced his way too. She blushed a little when she saw that Mike was staring at her. They both looked back at their computers, and pretended they didn't see anything.

I couldn't help, but smile. Zoe and Mike have gotten closer together ever since Mike arrived at Spy School. They started sitting next to each other, and talking a lot more with each other. Heck, they even team up together for capture the flag. They both have so much in common too. They're both smart, they agree on the same things, they like fonts, and they have a lot more in common. I'm glad that they're getting closer together.

I caught Erica looking at them too. She had a look on face that I've never seen before. It wasn't a look of annoyance or jealousy. It was a look of longing. It was as if she wanted to be in Zoe and Mike's shoes. She wanted to be with someone. But she can't because of her fear of getting hurt again. That look of longing turned into sadness. She looked down, and returned working, but I could tell that she was having a hard time because of Zoe and Mike. I didn't like to see her like this.

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