Unexpected guest

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Avery sat on a sofa in the living room, staring at a horror movie playing on the screen. Her uncle noticed she was in a bad mood when she quietly watched him on the set.She kept glaring at Lee who always smirked back at her. He figured something must have happened between his best friend and his favorite, but only niece. But he decided to not push it any further. He tried it once but she got so mad she threw an orange at a window with such force, she smashed a whole window. Wtih an orange. Wasn't even a big orange.

So he decided to stay quiet and order chinese for him, Avery and Lee. He didn't tell her that he's coming over because she might break something again. He grabbed his phone and plopped down next to Avery whole cuddled into his side. She was 18, but she acted like a baby whenever it got to cuddles. She really loved cuddles. So did he. Everyone loved cuddles.

''I'm ordering chinese for tonight, dear. What would you like?'' He asked her, placing his arm around her. She looked up at him wih her thinking face. ''I like fried noodles with sea food. I order them every time, i thought you'd know that by now.'' She frowned squinting her eyes a bit. He nodded and called the chinese restaurant, ordering food. She didn't notice that he ordered for three, as she was too busy to see what's going on in the movie.

Avery decided that it would be lovely to drink Earl Grey while eating noodles. She insisted that it would totally go together and even though he had some doubts, Orlando just let her do her thing. She was now in the kitchen boiling water. She added sugar to it and just set two mugs on the kitchen island with two tea bags as she heard the front door open. She knew it was way too soon for the food to arrive and as curious as she always was, she peeked at the two men from behind the kitchen's door.

She silently gasped as none other than Lee was taking his trenchcoat off, hanged it on the coat rack and walked in the living room behind Orlando, not noticing Avery glaring at him while hiding behind the huge white double door. ''Avery, make one more mug of tea, Lee's here!'' Orlando yelled at the direction of the kitchen and even though she didn't respond, he knew she heard him.

Avery was pissed off at this point and wanted to throw the tea pot through the window along with the boiling water and mugs. But her uncle would be disappointed in her so she took another mug from the cupboard and added 2 more tablespoons of sugar to the water and waited for it to cool down a little as she stirred the sugar in.

Lee walked in the kitchen slowly and quietly. He didn't want Avery to see him walk through the door as she would immediately run away. He needed to apologize for the stupid prank. ''Hey,Avery.'' He spoke. She flinched at the sound of his voice and turned around with her whole body only to find him about 10 inches from her. ''I want to apologize for that thing this morning. I thought it was just an innocent, stupid prank but i hurt and offended you for which i'm truly sorry. I do not think of you that way, i can asure you that.'' He said as he slowly slid his hand on the counter to Avery's hand. She, of course, noticed his move and quickly pulled her hand away before he could touch her. But he, he definately lied. Him and his boyfriend had big plans for Avery.

''It's okay, i guess. Yeah. You can go now, i have to make this tea. I'll bring it there.'' Avery nodded and turned away from Lee, hoping he'd leave. And he did. Few minutes later, she walked in the living room where Orlando and Lee were chatting about the movie. As always. She set the tray down on the coffee table, seeing 3 boxes from the chinese restaurant and 3 packets of chopsticks. She sat on the armchair with the mug and box, so she didn't need to sit next to Lee. Orlando turned his head to his niece as he grabbed his mug and Lee did the same. ''There's a storm coming so Lee will have to sleep over. He said that you offered him your bed to sleep in, since we don't have a guest bedroom. That is very kind of you, darling.''

He smiled taking a sip of his tea while Lee just stared at her. ''I said that, didn't i? Must have slipped my mind while making tea.'' Avery answered while gritting her teeth. Lee smiled at her before returning to his conversation with Orlando while all 3 of them ate noodles. She sighed drinking more tea and watched the tv. A loud thunder shot through the silent night and Lee got startled, jumping up and spilling tea on his crotch. Avery laughed at him as he stood up and ran to the bathroom to cool it off. Orlando also got up and went to his bedroom to get Lee a pair of his boxers so he won't be sleeping naked in Avery's bed, next to her.

''I'm tired, i'm going to bed!'' Avery shouted and placed the empty mug in the sink, leaving to her bedroom. As soon as Lee got the boxers, he changed into them, said good night to Orlando and went into Avery's bedroom.

When he stepped in her room, he saw the covers and blankets on the floor. In the middle of the bed, two blankets were rolled into one big roll, diving the bed into two separate spots. He laughed at the sight and walked to the bed pulling the huge roll off. Avery turned to him with fear visible on her face. ''Excuse you, what are you doing?'' She asked him, janking the blankets from his tight grip.

He looked at her, smiling innocently. ''I won't rape you, Avery. Don't worry, I'm not that brutal. I prefer it gentle and willingly.''He winked as he took his shirt off, folded it neatly and placed it on a chair. He grabbed the covers off the floor and sat on her bed, waiting for her. She stared at him, thinking of what words to say but she was left speechless. ''You dare too much, Lee.'' She finally said and laid down on the left side of her bed, pretty much on the edge and covered herself to the waist.

Lee quietly watched her actions then also laid down but didn't cover himself as he wanted to tease Avery a little. No sexual pranks this time, though. ''Can you cover yourself? Your almost naked body is quite distracting. Not in a good way.'' Avery spoke without looking at him, took a book from her nightstand, opened it where she previously stopped reading and continued to read. Lee still didn't cover himself but at this point, Avery was so into the book she barely noticed him. Eventually, he did cover himself and layed on his side so he was facing her.

She did glance at him every now and then, only to find him looking up at her with the most adorable face she ever saw on him. It surely was cute but that was not important to her. He was still just a guy who freely invited himself into her bed allthough she made it clear on the set that she didn't want anything to do with him.

Lee sighed gently poking her side, making her squeal in surprise and dropping her book on the floor. ''Will you still be my make up and hair artist?'' He asked, pouting a bit. She sighed picking up her book and set it aside on her nightstand. ''You're the only one that didn't scream in my face and you did the best job with my hair and face. I don't wanna lose someone so talented because of a stupid prank which i didn't think through too well.'' She looked down at him and hell, he was still pouting. ''Alright, i will, just stop pouting.'' He laughed again, rolling his eyes and moved so he was laying on his back, closed his eyes and he fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

Avery took the opportunity to grab the two blankets he set on the floor and were still rolled up in a big roll and placed them between her and Lee. She then laid on her side facing away from him. She eventually fell asleep. But her sleep didn't last long, the rather loud thunder woke her up and sadly for her, she felt a warm sensation on her back. She heard a groan from behind her and an arm tightened it's grip around her waist.

It appeared that Lee also woke up sometime while she was asleep to remove the blanket roll off the bed. He was now spooning her. She sighed trying to get out of his grip but he was too strong. So she elbowed him in his ribs which woke him up for about a minute, long enough for him to tighten his grip around her and shush her. He immediately fell back asleep after doing so. The only thing for Avery, was now hoping that Orlando wouldn't find them like this in the morning.

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