two: the computer lab

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the computer lab isn't anything spectacular. it's literally just a bunch of rows with desktops and semi-comfy chairs. jaebum leads seulgi to the back, where one row of mac desktops sit, while the others are pcs. there's not a lot of people here today, so it's really quiet. he plugs his headphones into his phone, handing one over to her to share. "why did you need to come here anyway? you could have done all of this from your own computer."

"it's for the ambience, babe." jaebum informs her, "and the grammar program they have downloaded. don't you have work to do too?"

"yeah, but i'm going to sketch instead. i'm only here to spend time with you."

"sweet. kiss me?" jaebum requests, leaning over to her. seulgi indulges him before sitting back, relaxing in her seat.

they do their own thing for a bit, jaebum working on his paper while seulgi sketches. it's peaceful, not much commotion, just soft music playing from jaebum's headphones. after at least thirty minutes of working, he's getting bored, so he peeks over at seulgi, trying to get a glimpse of her work. "that's amazing, seul." he compliments.

"it's you." she smiles, proudly showing off the detailed pencil sketch of his side profile as he worked on his paper. "but, i think this actually my first time sketching you... i usually just do famous people or instagram models."

"i could be an instagram model." he teases, poking her cheek.

"sure, baby... i guess i don't think of you when i try to come up with something to sketch, which is weird because you're one of my favorite people."

"just one of them?"

"yeah...just one... maybe the main one, depending on the day." she teases.

"have i told you how beautiful you look today?" he flirts, eyes roaming over her body. she's wearing one of those t-shirt dresses that do nothing for her figure, but jaebum's still smitten.

"you haven't, thank you." she caresses his cheek, "what's your assignment about by the way?"

"writing about two people seeing each other for the first time." jaebum is majoring in general writing, and takes creative writing classes, poetry writing, etc. he's constantly working on new writing prompts, and seulgi always asks about them.

"ooh, tell me more."

"you're my inspiration, my muse, so i'm modeling it based off our first meeting. so my two main characters are running into each other, and my male lead is describing what he feels." he and seulgi met freshmen year, three years ago, at the campus book store. his contacts were drying out and he literally smacked right into her because he was too busy rubbing his eyes. cue the music because he was captivated even with his shitty eye sight.

"no one told me that dating a writer would make my heart feel this way." seulgi teases, "when you get big and write a bunch of books, you'll remember your college girlfriend, right?"

"when you get big, and have your art hanging in shows and galleries, you'll remember your college boyfriend, right?"

"bold of you to assume you won't be more than just my college boyfriend."

"bold of you to assume you won't be more to me too." jaebum smiles.

"when we graduate, and carry on further in our artsy careers, will you let me draw the cover of your first poetry book?"

"of course, i already have my first dedication to you written out. it's simply: to my sunshine slug."

"how romantic."

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