12 | doce

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"Right in front of me
For a couple weeks"


[5. 29. 2019]

the happiness didn't last long, however. when changbin woke up the next day his head was pounding. his stomach hurt as though someone had punched him in the gut several times leaving him to let out a strangled cry while he could only curl up into himself trying to relieve any of the pain that continued to build up. 

he was worried. changbin whispered gibberish under his breath, hoping that nothing was going wrong. even if he had gotten over the mild fear he had of the doctors he couldn't bear to go back there again. not now. changbin's ears were ringing loudly that he didn't hear the rustling of sheets nor did he feel a hand press against his back. "is everything okay, baby?" minho's was barely heard in changbin's mind but he could pick out the words enough to understand what he was trying to stay. changbin nodded only for a whimper to slip out of him a few minutes later.

the pain was burning and fuck it hurt so bad. minho was didn't waste another second to sit up properly, spreading his legs the slightest he pulled changbin closer to him. even if changbin let out another choked sob he placed him in between his legs, his back resting against his chest while he placed his hands over changbin's that were holding onto his stomach. 

a small bump was beginning to show. a bump that was barely noticeable unless changbin wore tight-fitting clothes although lately, it had begun to grow the slightest now being shown throw looser clothes and minho could only coo at that as he rubbed soothing circles on the small bump. minho couldn't dwell on his thoughts for long until changbin's voice filled his ears.

"i-it hurts, " changbin winced, his words barely coming out above a whisper. no words could possibly describe the undying pain he was feeling. no longer feeling as though he was punched, it felt like someone was twisting his whole body. tearing it apart and laughing at his pain. laughing at how weak he could be. 

minho placed a soft kiss onto the top of changbin's head as he continued on with his ministrations. his hands rubbing at the older's stomach relieving some of the tension and pain that dwelled. he took note of how changbin would occasionally curl into his legs, eyebrows furrowing together, eyes screwed shut before he let himself go and relaxed into his regular position. 

"do you wanna go to the doctor?" changbin didn't want to. shaking his head, he gripped onto minho's hand tightly. he was being selfish he knew he was but he couldn't do it again. even if minho would be there the fear of everything outweighed it all. the mere thought of him caused him to break out into a fit of sobs.

that same fear seeming to burn out the pain he was feeling. the tearing seeming to have diminished to nothing but a tiny stomach ache. everything hit changbin hard and he couldn't stop himself from crying. turning around straddled minho's lap, his face buried into minho's shirt while he sobbed his heart out. 

he shook hard and minho held him close. he had no one to turn to beside hyunjin, minho, and hyunjin's boyfriend. there was no one that could console him on things like these. he was alone because he couldn't put up with his phobia and go check. he couldn't do it. his body and mind seemed to break the bottle full of his stress and frustration. "i j-just need s-some rest th-that's all. i'll be f-fine after." his eyes were puffy, tears neverending and soaking up minho's shirt but the older didn't mind. 

his body couldn't stop shaking and his heart was beating erratically against his chest. everything seemed too much. at first, minho didn't want to go but seeing how changbin reacted to it all he prioritized calming him down. 

minho held changbin closer, his chin resting against changbin's head while he reassuring hand up and down changbin's back. he hummed softly to a song that played in his head. he could feel how changbin's breathing steadied itself until it slowed down completely. 

changbin had fallen asleep and minho never stopped. he only allowed himself to lean back so that his back was against the headboard but his mind never stopped running with different possibilities of what just happened. 

every 'what if' bringing him a headache to the point he drifted off to sleep again leaving his thoughts as 'what if's'. 

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