07 | siete

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"And I'll hold you tightly, I'll tell you nothing but truth 
If you're not inside me,  I'll put my future in you"


[4. 30.2019 | 11:23 AM]

changbin felt cold, scared, and alone while he sat in the small pale white room. his body shivering every second even if he wore a sweater. the idea and knowing that he was at a place he tried so hard to avoid stuck with him deeply. the scares and his worries seeping into his mind allowing him to only think of that. and worst of all minho wasn't here. the older had left to go use the bathroom and despite how utterly terrified changbin was he knew he couldn't keep him. 

he refused to come off as clingy so forcing a tight-lipped smile he let minho go but right now he was starting to regret it. even if minho had left only seconds ago he wanted him to come back. his palms felt sweaty, hands shaking, and his mind spinning. he wanted nothing more than to run out of the door and leave this hellhole. 

his mind screamed at him to do it. his eyes looking from the door to his hands, the door and back at his hands again. he was going to do it. oh, he was so going to do it. but by the time he was preparing to stand up the doctor walked in leaving him sighing as he was almost free.

the person sent him a small smile and almost immediately all the hatred that was directed towards this horrid place seemed to wash away. the doctors' words ringing in his head like a broken record. hatred turning into dread because now what was he supposed to do? the ringing in his ear stopped and changbin was quick to look at the person. "don't tell him," changbin softly whispered causing the other to stop speaking for a second. 

they seemed confused and didn't understand why changbin wanted to keep this all to himself. changbin could sense this and cleared his throat while he mumbled out an explanation, "i want to tell him myself." they nodded their head as they continued on explaining what would happen in the future. how he would change and that was perfectly okay but he didn't hear any of that as loud white blaring noise played in his ears again. 

it seemed like hours ⁠— when it only had been five minutes ⁠— had passed blocking any of the information that was being said until the door had swung open. changbin and the doctor looked at him and changbin felt his stomach drop. the doctor excused themselves leaving changbin alone with minho. 

"so what did they say?" he asked nonchalantly, a smile present on his face while he went to grab changbin's hand. their fingers interlacing while he gave the others hand a small squeeze. changbin looked into minho's eyes finding nothing but reassurance and the words were about to slip. 

but when he parted his lips to let the words slip he couldn't. "i just have a virus and what-not. i simply have to take care of myself." changbin gave a small smile before hopping off the table and leaving the room.  

minho stared at the disappearing silhouette definitely not convinced by what changbin had said. 


hours had passed since they left the doctors, minho convincing changbin to wander around the city with him. he hoped changbin would open up and tell him the truth of it all. instead, changbin wouldn't. his lips seemed sown together preventing him from ever speaking unless to answer small questions. as much as minho wanted to ask he tried his best not to. 

yet it hurt to see changbin closing in on himself. he had only ever done this once before they got together. that being the reason they confessed and ultimately wounded up where they are now because changbin's feelings couldn't stay inside anymore. 

stealing another glance at his boyfriend that held a troubled look minho decided to risk it. arriving in front of changbin's apartment he held the other's wrist, preventing him from entering. changbin had finally turned to look at him, confusion written in his eyes while he waited for minho to continue on. "was-...is it really just a virus?" minho asked. 

changbin remained quiet for a few minutes, time ticking by slowly while he watched how other older's aura seemed to change and the confusion seemed to shift into several other emotions. minho heard changbin sigh as he looked away whispering, "no. it was never a virus." 

minho didn't understand anything. the question in his head repeating over and over again. 'so what was it?' he couldn't think of anything else that could possibly change the way changbin felt. it emptied him from every form of happiness and left his outer shell empty. it wasn't until changbin managed to answer every single question that it all clicked. 

"i'm-i'm pregnant and i'm scared."

and minho could only stand there going 'oh'. 

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