Shattered IV

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As harmonious as our romantic vacuum may be, after the last three weeks spent here in this wooden house, it is time to slowly return to reality.

Emotionally, I float on cloud seven. Tae is simply incredible. Tender and stormy we have tried out some of the secret and dark fantasies I had. However, I have to end my marriage with Mark as soon as possible, on the one hand, it is unfair to Tae, on the other hand, the date for the new movie is getting closer and the role I play in this movie is incredibly demanding. I am looking forward to the new challenge, but I need all my strength.

"Don't worry, Tee, we'll get through this together." Tae sits on the couch opposite me, icy crystals fall silently on the frozen ground in front of the window, transforming the world into a fairytale backdrop. As always, he is very attentive and can read my feelings and worries from my face. For an actor, I have a pretty bad poker face.

"Tae, it's getting pretty intense with Mark. I don't know how he'll react if I ask him to divorce me." As always when I speak of Mark, Tae's eyes darken and his mouth takes on a dangerous trait, his whole body vibrating with anger and tension.

"Come here, little one." He lifts the blanket invitingly, I crawl to him, lean with my back against his belly and enjoy his strong arms, which lay warm and calming and calming around my body. I can feel his nose on my crown and hear him inhaling my smell deeply.

"Whatever comes when we go back tomorrow, I'll be there for you. As your bodyguard, I will protect you and as your lover, I will give you strength and comfort. And when this whole thing is finally over, we have to talk, Tee, us and about the future."

His strength and his smell surround me, I feel how my body inevitably reacts to its proximity. "I don't want to talk now, Tae..."

"Then what would you like, Tee?" His hands wander over my stomach, lie down on my hip and my crotch, which he massages lightly. My body reacts immediately, a pleasant shiver trickles over my neck, while his tongue caresses my earlobe. Light bites in my throat, reconciled by tender kisses, he spreads on my neck.


My almost moaned answer is the last thing that is spoken that night.

Tenderly his lips conquer mine, nibble at my lower lip to stroke afterward with the tongue over the sensitive spot. Hungrily I answer his kiss, open my mouth and invite his tongue to dance with mine. The world around me is starting to circle like I'm drunk.
Tae's hands wander from my hips under my shirt up to my nipples, which he entwines with his fingers, but does not touch, as he increases the pressure of his persistent, passionate kisses.

Finally, he gently turns me so that I can lie with my back on the sofa, his knee between my thighs. His lips let go of mine, and slowly he works his way down. Let his tongue wander over the sensitive skin of my neck. I moan pleasurably, my nerves tremble with excitement and I shiver as he unbolts my shirt and strokes with his long slender fingers over my heated skin. I reach around him, pull his shirt out of his pants and impatiently slip it over his head. The exhilarating sight of his muscular upper body not only makes my mouth water but also my penis twitch expectantly. His hands glide over my body, explore it until he arrives at my nipples, which he first gently twirls and teases, before alternately sucking and nibbling on them. Sighing, I push myself towards him and enjoy the excitement that pulsates through my body. My hands stroke his back, massaging his shoulders and neck.

Slowly but purposefully he takes off my pants and boxer shorts, while he spreads feathery kisses over my ribs and belly. With faltering breath, I watch him glide his hands over my hips, spread my legs, kiss the inside of my thighs and finally devote himself to my hard cock. I moan as I feel his warm, damp tongue wandering over my hard shaft. I wind my way restlessly back and forth in excitement, reach down and bury my hands in his silky dark hair. With incredible skill, he sucks and licks on my cock and testicles as he penetrates my entrance with his fingers. Heat shoots into my cheeks as I feel that he lets go of my cock and swirls his tongue around my hot hole instead. Then he suddenly penetrates me with his tongue - swirling and pumping. And I can't prevent a loud, lustful moan. Soon his tongue replaces two, then three fingers as he returns to my shaft and flickers over the swollen, moist, shiny tip.

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