1| Another Field trip

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When the words, "Field trip to Stark Industries" came out of my teachers mouth, I immediately started panicking.

As if it wasn't bad enough that I had to sleep there while my Aunt was moving in with her new boyfriend, now I'm pretty sure the entire of the school body will know about it by next week.

Luckily, Chemistry -the subject I have right now- is my last period. So as soon as the bell rang, I was running down the halls and jumping over the school gate. I really hope that the cameras don't catch any of this.

Anyway, when I got to Mr. Delmars' sandwich shop, I got a plain sandwich for $5, this time choosing not to make a comment about his sixteen year old daughter.

After eating my sandwich, I went into an alley and changed into my Spider-Man suit, this time I chose to web my backpack against a cell phone tower, I made sure that now one could reach it.

After patrolling for about 3 hours, I finally made it back to the tower. Normally I would go in through the lobby like everyone else, but since I definitely didn't want Mr. Stark asking me about the field trip, I decided to go in through my window, which was very difficult compared to getting into my old window at the apartment.

I stayed there for the rest of the night, and since it was already around 7pm, I decided to get a good nights rest.

The next morning I woke up totally dreading the day. Today is the field trip and I am so not ready for it. I haven't even gotten my permission slip signed from Aunt May. But I'm pretty sure at the start of the year she signed a contract that basically agrees to all of my field trips for the year, so I'll probably end up going wether I signed the slip or not.

After contemplating for about 5 minutes wether I should start getting ready for school or not, I finally agreed on the first.

I put on a simple red T shirt and jeans. Normally I would go with a long sleeve shirt so that my classmates don't see my custom Spiderman muscles, but since I'm breaking all of my rules today, I might as well go all out.

I quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed one of the sandwiches and an apple, along with a vanilla late from the counter. Sometimes I love how much Bucky cooks and sometimes I just think it's wrong.

I made my way to my room again and put my web shooters on, then I jumped out of the window and swung to the school.

When u got there, my class was already getting into the bus, so I quickly gave Mr. Warren my unsigned permission slip and got into the bus.

While I was walking, someone pulled me down and soon enough I was facing Ned, my best friend and guy in the chair.

"You totally bailed on me yesterday"

I didn't here him though. I was too busy looking for my Stark Industries ID.

"...And I know you like MJ"

My head shot up, and I'm sure my face resembled a deer in the headlights. Bed smirked and I was pretty sure he knew that I hadn't been listening.

"Fine, you have my full attention" I said, deciding to leave the ID problem for later. I'm sure Happy would come up with a solution.

"So I was thinking, If you're an avenger..." Ge paused looking to me for confirmation, I nodded my head and rolled my eyes, waiting for him to continue, "Then technically I'm an avenger too"

I straight out laughed at that, making Ned nudge me and give me a glare. I just couldn't help it. The idea was way to funny to even consider, I mean Ned hasn't even met the Avengers yet, well apart from me.

"It's not that funny"

"Uhh... Yeah. It kinda is"

"Bruce Banner is an avenger and he doesn't fight!"

"Bruce has an alter ego to fight for him!"

"What about-"

I laughed at Ned as he failed miserably to come up with something to say. This argument had left me crying with tears of joy and uncontrollable laughter.

"Fine, laugh it up" he stubbornly said, turning to the window and smiling to himself.

"Yo Penis!!" Flash hollered  from the front of the bus, choosing that exact moment to make me give into my foul mood.

I groaned and tried my best to muster up a believable smile and I stared at the class bully.

"What's up Flash?" I asked.

He frowned. And then he glared. I was sure he had expected to get a reaction out of me, I used to give it to him everyday, before I got bitten by a radioactive spider and joined the Avengers.

"I know you're lying about your internship Penis" he spat, glaring at me the whole time, and then all of a sudden he punched me. Oh wait let me correct myself, he 'tried' to punch me.

I caught my fist with my left hand and gave him a bored look.

"I'd say go bully someone your own size, but I'm not sure where you could find someone that small"

The whole class hollered and behind me, MJ gave me a pat on the back. I get the feeling that she's proud of me.

Ned looked dumbfounded as he stared between Flash and I, and I was tempted to close his mouth with my right hand, just for the sake of embarrassing him in front of the class. But hey, I was way too good of a friend to do that.

I let go of Flashes hand and he walks back to the front of  the bus, grumbling under his breath as he walked.

Before I knew it, we were all walking into the doors of Stark Industries, and I stressing my head off about my Stark Industries ID. What would Tony do if he found out I lost it?

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