The interview

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So I know I've been offline for a while, and I don't really have a good excuse so I guess you're just going to have to deal with it.

See ya,


I dont exactly know when it changed. When I became the heir to Stark Industries. I guess it just happened. After the vulture incident, Tony and I had gotten closer, and we started spending all of our weekends up late working on our new suits.

It was around two months later when he told me. I had been working in my side of the lab, and he had been lounging on the couch on his side.

In front of me had been a white board, filled with ideas for my new iron spider suit. He had been rambling on about how I should start getting used to using blueprint paper since I would be taking over once I turned eighteen, and I had looked at him with a what-are-you-talking-about face.

He had just shrugged. As if it wasn't a big deal that I'm three months I would be taking over the worlds most successful business.

Now, at the press conference where I would announce to the world who I really am, I couldn't be more glad that I hadn't told anyone about my alter ego. Anyone except Ned....and MJ, although she probably doesn't count. I never really did ask her about that. I just assumed she knew.

Abruptly I was pulled out of my thoughts when one of the reporters shoved a microphone into my hand and stared at me expectantly.

"Ur sorry," I said and embarrassingly rubbed the back of my neck, "What was the question again?"

"Are you Tony Stark's son?"

I thought for a few minutes before I gave my honest answer, "Not biologically, but I like to think of him as my father figure. Steve Rodgers is actually my last living relative, and if it helps, I'm dating his daughter"

The next person to speak up was a man. He had bored look on his face, one that said he didn't want to be here, but he wasn't willing to lose his job.

Surprisingly enough, he actually sounded pretty enthusiastic when he spoke up, despite his boring appearance.

"Why are you taking over Stark Industries?" was his question.

Though it was a simple interview, I couldn't come up with a believable answer. The reason why I was taking over Stark Industries wasn't just because I was close to Tony. It was partially due to my engagement with The Avengers.

In other words, Tony wanted an Avenger to take over Stark Industries so that there would always be someone to manage the team and keep our weaponry production strictly limited to The Avengers.

Apparently I was going to be that person. Which means that not only do I have to juggle the weight of the whole business in my hands, but now I also have to lead the Avengers.

I know that I can get help from Ned or Piper (Tony's Daughter) for Stark Industries, but when it came to The Avengers, Tony was the only person that really knew how to help me manage them. So yeah, it's safe to say I'm under a lot of pressure.

Instead of answering with a lie like I was initially going to do. I decide to tell the truth. Like Tony said, you go big or go home.

"Well I guess it's partly because I'm really smart and partly because he needs someone to lead the Avengers, and I guess I was the ideal option," I paused and took a deep breath, "cause I'm Spider-Man"

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