The Spidy-verse

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Hey guys,
Is it weird that I still haven't watched this movie? I kinda feel like I'm out of the loop on what happens, so I'm just gonna go with what I know. Therefor, if there's any confusion with the other spiders, it's because I'm basing it off of the TV show, Ultimate Spider-Man.
I hope you enjoy!


This might be the first time in forever, that I've had to call a Web Warriors meeting. I know it might seem weird to know multiple versions of yourself, but most of the Web Warriors are absolutely nothing like me. We just all happen to share similar powers.

Sluggishly, I walked out of my room and made my way to our meeting spot, which was the roof of Avengers Tower, where there were no cameras. Where no one could see us.

It's risky trying to keep a secret as big as this from the Avengers, but it was worth it. There had already been multiple villains who somehow managed to invade other universes, and I was not about to put my friend's lives' on the line because I couldn't keep a secret to myself.

The latest universal problem was the fight with Thanos, or as we'd dubbed, The Infinity War. Thanos wasn't just looking to rule my universe, he was going for the multiverse, and although the others don't see it, I knew that since we were affected, they would be too.

Once I got to the Rooftop, I sat down on the edge and waited for the portal to reappear. Five seconds into my wait, all six of my friends walked out of the portal. Miles, Gwen, Petra, Scarlet Spider, Spider-Knight and Spider-Ham. I'm pretty sure that pirate guy was out stealing some guys treasure.

"Peter!" Petra exclaimed, suddenly ramming into my body. She was the exact female replica of me, since in her universe, genders were reversed. Therefor, Spider-Woman.

I hugged her back eagerly.

The next person to come up to me was Miles. He lives in a Universe where I was killed, and where I had chosen him to become the new Spider-Man.

I first bumped him with a smile and turned to the rest. Spider-Knight and Scarlet-Spider had grace looks on their face. Finally, Gwen stepped forward.

She flicked her blonde hair behind her shoulder and crossed her arms.

"You called us here to talk about the Infinity War didn't you?"

I grinned at her and crossed my arms. "Always know how to make an entrance don't you Gwen?"

She chuckled and let down her hoodie, revealing her face. Before I knew it, she was flinging her arms around me and hugging me as if her life depended on it.

Once she was done, I looked to the others. "What happened with you guys?" I asked.

Miles awnsered, "Nothing really, none of the other universes participated in the war, so other than the fact that The Multiverse as we know it almost collapsed, we're good"

I was about to respond when suddenly, the door to the floor below us suddenly opened. Out stepped the Avengers, all in their armor, looking ready for battle.

"WHO ARE YOU GUYS?!" Tony shouts ,aiming a repulsor at Miles. He holds his hands up in surrender motion and Tony lowers his hand.

"Woah! Dad! Relax!" I shouted.

All together, they turned around and immediately shot me multiple glares. "What are you doing Peter?!" Tony exclaimed, "Strange picked up and energy signal, these friends of yours are from another dimension!"

"Uhh...yeah about that..." i trailed off, glancing down at Gwen- who was more or less leaning on me- for help. She shrugged and i looked to Miles, but merely chuckled at my expense.

"Hey! Watch it!" Nat exclaimed, throwing a dagger his way, and narrowly missing his head. He immediately stopped chuckling, and i glared at Nat.

"Okay," i started, "Obviously you guys got the wrong idea, guys this is these are the Web Warriors!" I told everyone, gesturing to my friends, who were still on edge from Nat's advance.

"What?" Tony asked. Clint burst out laughing and the Avengers simultaneously parted to reveal the archer clutching his stomach, hunched over as he laughed. Once he realized, he was being watched, he immediately shut up, but not before shooting me a wink and mouthing, 'you're doomed'. Unconsciously, I flipped him off,  and Cap immediately glared at me. I could tell his patience was wearing thin.

"Okay, let's start this again," Tony said, gesturing to all of The Avengers to lower their weapons. "Who the fuck are you?" .

Needless yo say, that one question brought on an entirely diffrent two- hour long arguement. An arguement that both Miles and Gwen took full advantage of.

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