Part 1

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Sooo, this is you. You can change the eye and hair color! Hope you like my story!! Read the description for your quirk(s)
You also have a younger brother, about 7 years old, but he's mostly with your mother and her lovers

"You worthless piece of shit, go get your father some more beer!" Dad yelled.

"Yes, sir." I said softly, and went outside.

I went to the nearby store and walked in.

"Hello, oh Y/n. The same as usual for your dad?" The shop owner asked.

The shop owner was a nice lady. She was about 50 years old.

"Ah, yes please." I said.

"No need to be so polite, dear." She smiled.

She got me the beer and I paid her. I waved bye and went home.

"What took you so long? That old hag again?!"

"No, father."

You are 45, so you really shouldn't be talking.

I gave him the beer and went to my room. I grabbed my book I've been reading.

It's about a teenage boy that isn't accepted into the society, because he likes both male and female. He thinks everyone is against him and runs away from home. He meets another boy on the streets, who was kicked out because he's gay. This boy has a group of friends who take the protagonist under their wing.

Now it gets wierd. One by one people go disappearing. When the boy that saved the protagonist gets abducted, the protagonist and the gang goes to search for the boy.

I don't know anything else, because I still have to read it.

After about 15 minutes father calls me downstairs again.

"Go make dinner, you brat. Mom/name isn't coming home tonight."

"Yes sir."

Time skip to next day

I still had to go to school. I quietly walked into the classroom, trying to get the least attention possible.


"Look who's here. It's little L/n!" Kacchan said.

I grunted and went to my seat. The moment I sat down Kacchan slammed his hand on my desk and leaving a burn mark.

"You know you'll have to pay if it's permanent." I said softly.

"You hear that? This petty mouse thinks he can be strong!" Kacchan laughed.

His so called 'friends' laughed as well. I ignored them and looked away.

When Midoriya came in Kacchan immediately turned his attention to him.

After a while the teacher came in and send some papers flying. I didn't really listen.

"Oh, L/n and Midoriya also want to go to U.A., right?" The teacher said.

There were a couple of offensive whispers across the room before they bursted into laughter.

Kacchan became mad and threatened Midoriya. I blocked it all out and waited for this torture they call school to end.

When the bell rang I hurried outside. I put on some EarPods and listened to some music.

I wasn't paying attention and walked into someone. The bump made one of the EarPods fall out.

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