Part 8

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I woke up to Todoroki gently shaking me.

"Hng." I replied.

"Time to wake up, breakfast is soon." Todoroki said tiredly.

I could tell he also just woke up by his voice and that his eyes were still half shut.

I stood up and stretched myself. Most of the others where also stretching while some were already putting their stuff away.

I began to roll the sleeping bag I borrowed from Todoroki while trying to stay awake.

After doing that we all went to the dining room and took a seat. A few butlers placed food and plates on the table. It was so luxe I didn't even know half of it.

I tried a few things together with pancakes and cereal. Such an odd combination.

After eating some already left. Todoroki and I included.

"You want to go home?" Todoroki asked on our way.

"Not really." I admitted.

"Then where do you want to go?"

"I don't know, anywhere except home."

"I know a place with a really nice view over the city. Let's go there."

We had to hike up a mountain before we went off trail and Todoroki led us to a big ledge, about 5 meters long and 10 meters wide. The view of the city was indeed beautiful.

A few birds were flying by, but I noticed an eagle flying directly towards us.

Must've saw a prey.

We sat down, feet dangling over the edge while we looked at the peaceful city. Until the eagle landed on the ledge and transformed into a human. Not any dad.

"Hello Y/n." He said, trying to sound innocent.

I looked at him, but didn't reply.

"Why are you here?"

" died." I said.

"Oh really? That's...too bad."

I knew he was suppressing a smile of happiness. We'd be given insurance, so that means money. Easy money.

I turned back and sighed.

"I knew you'd feel like that." I said disappointed.

"Come on, we're going home. We'll celebr-I mean mourn over her death."

I desperately looked at Todoroki before standing up and beginning to walk to my father.

"Hey L/n, we'd go to the aquarium in 30 minutes, remember?" Todoroki lied.

"Oh, right! I forgot that. Dad is it okay if I-"

"Yes! Totally! Go and have fun with your boyfriend!" He said overly happy.

He quickly turned back into an eagle and flew away.

"Thank you so much." I sighed.

"It's okay."

Todoroki stood up too and placed a hand on my back. I turned to him and laid my forehead on his shoulder with a shaky sigh.

"Well, why not go to the aquarium anyway." He said after a bit.

"Yeah, I need some distraction."

Todoroki hummed and waited for me to calm down again.

"Thanks." I said as we were hiking back again.

Todoroki x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now