Part 9

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We walked back to his house, hand in hand. When Fuyumi saw us she squealed.

"Are you two finally together?!" She asked happily.

"What do you mean finally?" I asked.

"Shōto has been talking about you SO much! Are you gonna stay over again?"

"I am."

"Good, good! You can stay in his room again!"

Shōto was embarrassed by his sister and tried to pull me away from her.

"You want him all to yourself huh? Go ahead, I won't bother you guys."

With that Fuyumi was gone.

"Sorry for her." Shōto said.

"Nah, she's nice. Wonder why she doesn't have a lover yet."

"What do you mean?"

"If I was looking from a straight male's perspective she's basically perfect."

"How so?"

"Aw, do I hear jealousy?"


"No worries I'm about as straight as a circle."

"But circles aren't...oh."

"And that's why I find you cute."

I kissed him on his cheek before stepping inside. A small flame started burning on his left side. He quickly controlled it though.

We went to the kitchen, ate some food and started heading to his room before being confronted by Endeavor.

"L/n is here again?" He asked.

"Does seem like it now, doesn't it." Shōto said, putting an arm around my waist.

He pulled me closer to him and put his other arm over my shoulder, his hand resting on my chest.

"Shōto, what are you doing?" Endeavor asked a bit annoyed.

"Showing affection to my boyfriend." He answered.

"Your- Serenity is supposed to be your girlfriend!"

"I'm gay dad. Always have been, always will be."

"Just wait until you see a girl that is your type."

"Won't work. Also, I love Y/n-chan for his personality."

" long as you're happy."

Shōto nodded and pulled me along to his room. He kissed me passionately.

"Kissing you feels so good. I wanna do it all day." Shōto said.

I replied with a kiss and a smirk.

"God you're too cute." Shōto sighed.

He kissed me and slowly started to put his hand under my shirt. He had me under complete control.

We both knew we wouldn't go too far seeing that we're just in a relationship and just this touch was enough for now.

He put his fingers in my hair and his hand on my back, still under my shirt. He pulled me even closer. I put my hand on his stomach as we continued kissing, only broken to breathe before continuing.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

Shōto hummed and placed his mouth in the exposed part of my shoulder.

"Is it bad that I want to do everything to you?" He asked

"No, I feel the same but it's better to wait." I said.

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