Part 7

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I JUST noticed about your little brother! To clear things up: he did fall from that building, but somehow survived. He was in a coma for three years before dying because Endeavor destroyed a part of the hospital while fighting a villain. Clear now? Sorry for the misunderstanding!!

After packing my stuff we went to Todoroki's home to pack his stuff. We stayed there for a bit until we had to leave.

When we arrived at Yaoyorozu's castle-I mean home, we were about the 11th to arrive.

Tsuyu, Jiro, Bakugou, Midoriya, Denki, Sero, Mina, Uraraka and Iida were already there.

Whoops! And Hagakure. Didn't see her for a second. So sorry

"Come in, Come in!" Yaoyorozu said as she ushered us inside.

"Wow, didn't think you two would actually come!" Uraraka said surprised.

I looked around a bit. I saw all their bags piled up in a corner, so we decided to leave ours there too.

In 20 minutes the others arrived too. For some reason Mineta was there too, but okay. I was honestly surprised by that.

We played some truth or dare. I mostly chose truth and lied, especially if they asked me if I had a crush, 'cause I honestly didn't know myself.

We debated over which movie we'd watch and we ended up watching a horror movie. I hate horror movies so much it's not even funny.

Well, I guess nightmares tonight again...

With every jump scare or close call I clutched onto Todoroki. It felt a bit comforting, knowing someone was there. Todoroki didn't mind it at all.

After the movie we played a few other games. It was really fun overall.

When it was time to sleep the boys dressed in the living room, where we'd be sleeping and the girls dressed who knows where.

I had a really big grey shirt and place short shorts. You were almost unable to see my shorts.

Todoroki has gave me one of his sleeping bags because I didn't have any. We all put ours out and got settled. Some stayed up for a bit while others *cough* Bakugou *cough* went to bed already.

Todoroki and I stayed up for a bit longer, though we did already get into our sleeping bags.

"You glad you came?" Todoroki asked hushed.

"Yeah." I said in a soft voice. "I am."

I got a phone call. I saw it was my mom.

"Sorry, I gotta take this."

I quickly walked out of the room and picked up.

"Yeah, hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this L/n Y/n?" An unknown voice asked.

"It is. Who are you? Why do you have my mom's phone?!"

"L/n, I need you to calm down. It's better if you sit down too."

"Why?! Where is my mom?!"

"L/n, she's dead."

This hit me like a truck. No, like a meteor.

My mom was always a nice person to me, she just shifted from boyfriend to boyfriend was all.

"She was given a drugs overdose by her boyfriend. He's now arrested for murder."


I couldn't say anything. My mouth was dry and my throat was throbbing. There was a huge lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry to have told you this. Since we do not have your fathers number, please tell him the news. I have to end the call now."

*beep beep beep. Call ended*

My legs buckled and I fell to my knees.

No! Not again! Why? Why is it not once me! Why does this have to happen?!

I sharply inhaled and exhaled, regaining my composure. At least, pretending to.

I got back in the sleeping bag silently as most if not all had fallen asleep now.

I looked over to Todoroki to see that he was still awake.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a dull voice.

"You're not...yourself. You seem sad."

H-how?! How did he look through me with such ease?!

"Let's talk about it somewhere else."

We walked to another room, out of hearing reach from the others.

" mom...she died." I began. "She was murdered by her boyfriend. He gave her a drugs overdose."

I let out a ragged sigh before continuing.

"He is now being brought to jail. My mom was always really nice. The only thing was that she went from boyfriend to boyfriend, but it didn't bother us too much. She always loved us unconditionally. And since Jamie died she had come home less and less. She did call me often, so it was all right. And this had to happen."

There was a crack in my voice as I was on the brink of breaking down.

Todoroki stayed silent, but pulled me into a hug. A tear escaped my eye as I placed my forehead on his shoulder.

Todoroki started playing with my hair to comfort me, which actually helped.

After a minute I calmed down and looked at him.

"S-sorry for that." I said softly.

"It's fine. Even heroes cry." He answered calmly with a small smile.

He wiped away a tear with his thumb, making me blush a little.

"Want to go sleep now?" He asked.


We went back. Lucky for us, especially me, everyone was already asleep.

I got into the sleeping bag and just stared at the cieling.

"Are you okay?" Todoroki whispered.

"Yeah, I just...keep thinking of her." I whispered.

"Come here."

He opened his bag, meaning I should get in too.

"You okay with that?"

"Yeah, just get in."

I slowly crawled into his sleeping bag, careful to not make any noise that could possibly wake anyone.

Todoroki placed an arm around me and put his chin on my shoulder.

"Sleep well." He said.

I nodded and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sorry it's short! I'm planning to do a Kobayashi x Male Reader or a Hanasaki x Male Reader from Trickster. Just wanted to let you know. I personally prefer Kobayashi though, so there's that. Well, see ya in the next chapter! Bye bye

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