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( imessage & irl )
chapter nine.


( sadie my bby & mel stewart <3 )

mel stewart <3
sadie hi

i need to ask you about something

sadie my bby
alright what's up mel

mel stewart <3
what's with that marshall guy? i saw
him comment on your recent and i
guess i got a bit curious

millie told me you guys used to be a
thing and he wasn't good but she
wouldn't tell me anything else

i hope it's okay i'm asking about this.
you don't need to tell me

sadie my bby
no no it's okay

you'd have to find out eventually

jeez where do i start

mel stewart <3
how about the reason he isn't a good

did he hurt you? like, physically?

sadie my bby

god no

i would've beat his ass

but he did emotionally. definitely
emotionally. he would cheat on
me. he cheated on me four times
to be exact.

mel stewart <3

sadie my bby
he cheated

and then when i would find out, he
would emotionally manipulate me
into believing I'M the bad person
for 'even thinking he would do that
to me'. and i would believe him. he
would do that, yet he would become
angry if i hung out with caleb, finn,
gaten, or noah for too long. even if
i hung with millie! it wasn't fair, but
he always found a way to make me
believe i was in the wrong.

a manipulator, he was. he still is.

mel stewart <3
ohmygod sadie, you didn't deserve
any of that. i can't believe he would
do that, you are in no way the bad
person, especially in that relationship

and he's an ASS for cheating. and
FOUR times, sadie? did you finally
leave him after the third or was it bc
of something else?

sadie my bby
well, not exactly

i left him after the third time. i thought
i was free, yk? nothing could make me
go back to him

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