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chapter fifteen.


          SMALL GIGGLES PASSED SADIE'S lips as well as Melody's as Melody pulled Sadie along by their intertwined hands. Sadie had no idea where she was taking her, but assumed that she knew what she was doing and where she was going since it wasn't her first time at VidCon.

          "So, where exactly are you taking me," Sadie asked with a laugh.

          "You told me earlier in our friendship that you never actually went to Starbucks for a drink, and there's literally one here so I'm taking you and buying you whatever you want there," Melody explained. Sure enough, the Starbucks sign was in eyesight of the girls.

          Sadie shook her head immediately after she heard Melody tell her she was buying her the drink, "I can buy it myself, Mel, there's no need."

"No, no. It's your first time here and I want to be the one to provide you the greatness of a specific Starbucks drink," she insisted. "If I'm being honest, I only like one of their drinks there but it's kind of worth it."

Sadie heaved a sigh of defeat and obliged to Melody's want of getting her a beverage. "Alright, fine," she said. Melody cheered in victory and led Sadie into the place.

Like said, Melody paid for Sadie's drink. Sadie had not known what to get so she told Melody she'd try what Melody usually got, and Melody ordered her usual for Sadie. She handed to drink to the red head after she got it, excited to see what she thought of it. Good or bad, she was mostly just happy Sadie didn't mind trying it.

          Sadie tilted her head from side to side. "It's pretty good. Could be better, but, ya know," she shrugged.

          She thought the drink was tasty, sure, but what Sadie liked even more was the smile that lit up Melody's face after she heard Sadie's opinion on her favorite drink.

          "Really," Melody asked happily.

          "Yeah, really," she giggled out before taking another sip.

          "Yes! I'm so happy you like it," Melody cheered. "I mean, even if you didn't like it, I could've just drank it myself— but that's beside the point."

          Sadie only laughed as she held her drink in one hand, the other hand once again occupied by Melody's hand as she started leading the way for the second time that day.

          "Where are we going this time," Sadie questioned just as Melody let go of her hand and they walked side by side.

          "Hmm... I don't know. There's a lot to do here. It's honestly so fun. It's even better that you're here because, well one, I finally met you and two, it's cool having someone new to do this stuff with," Melody spoke.

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