Chapter 7

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-- Paige --

        I listed to Jordan's mom as she laid down the law. Apparently, me and Jordan were allowed to share his bed now, considering I might already be pregnate. Gosh his mom is dumb! How in the heck did she get her freakin PHD? Jordan tightened his grip on my hand.

        "Paige, if you have ANY questions, come and talk to me." Mrs. Hillson said gently

        "Okay." I said quietly

        I went upstairs to lay down for a while. Jordan followed me and circled his srong hand over my belly where our possible child was starting to grow.

        "I'm so sorry I put you through this Paige..." Jordan whimpered

        "Its okay Jordan..." I said "I love you to much to be angry with you."

        I brushed a kiss across his cheek. He smiled and continued to circle his hand over my skin.  Everything was going to be okay.

        "Paige..." Jordan said softly

        "Yes?" replied

        "If you are pregnate... and you die... I will die with you." Jordan squeaked

        "Jordan I told you, its going to be okay." I said as my eyes welled with emotion

        I don't remember drifting off. I awoke in the delivery room. Some people with scalpels were leaning over me, their eyes screwed into concentration. I saw Jordan standing in the corner in blue scrubs. He was staring at me worriedly. Mrs. Hillson shuffled into the room and slid some gloves on. Pain shot up my belly. I screamed in angony Jordan held back as hot tears streamed down my face. I awoke with a start. Jordan pulled me into a bear hug as I explained my dream.

        "Paige, look what I have done!" he screamed "Now you are having nightmares!"

        I buried my face in Jordans chest and sobbed. Jordan was in such deep depression because of ME! Why did I do what I did?! 

        "Paige, can I see you in the living room?" Mrs. Hillson asked suddenly

        "Yea..." I sniffed

        I followed Mrs. Hillson downstairs and into the bright living room. My heart was pounding. "What was she going to say to me?" I wondered

        "Have a seat Paige.." Mrs. Hillson said gently

        I sat down on the plush couch. Mrs. Hillson placed herself next to me.

        "Paige, remember that I am always there for you." she said softly "If you need ANYTHING just come to me..."

        I looked at her big blue eyes. They gave her emotions away. A mix of hope, anger, and fear. She put her small hands on my shoulders and turned me so I faced her.

        "Paige, you are going to be okay..." she whispered

        I smlied as she embraced me in a warm, comforting hug, I wish I had a mom. Someone to share my worries with, someone to talk about boys with, someone to shop with. I missed my mom. She died in a car accident when I was nine,

        "So give me the details girlfriend!" she said randomly "How did it feel?!"

        I laughed. Mrs. Hillson put her rough hand on my shoulder. I got a long lecture on comittment and ways to take care of a child.


        I flattend my body on the couch as Jordan gripped my hand, his mom approached my with the metal rod in her hand. I cringed as the cold surface hit my exposed belly. I heard a faint beep and the rod was lifted from my skin. Jordan stood next to his mom and looked at the screen. Right then is when Jordan threw up and started crying.

        "Its tears of joy that it is negative right?" I asked hopefully

        "No Paige..." Jordan blubbered through tears "You are two weeks pregnate..."

        Tears welled in my eyes. Jordan threw his arms around me. I buried my face in his shoulder and began to sob. Why had I DONE THIS?! Mrs. Hillson yanked me from Jordan's arms and dragged me upstairs. She shoved me into Jordan's room and closed the door. I heard her angry footsteps charge down the stairs, then I heard Jordan scream.

        "NO MOM DON"T MAKE ME LEAVE HER!" he screamed

        "JORDAN HILLSON YOU ARE A DISGRACE!" his mom screamed in reply

        I buried my face in Jordan's pillowed and let more tears flow from my eyes. I would have to leave Jordan after my child was born! Who would help me raise it?!


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