Chapter 1

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November 23, 2013

Being the new kid in town wasn't easy. The way the tightly packed community of people stared at you as you passed down the hallway in school, or an aisle at a grocery store was unsettling.

It was quite unusual. Nothing I had ever felt. Like I was being watched everywhere I went. My mother always said that a small town like this doesn't get many new people, it's astonishing to them.

Oak Bridge High School.

The size of the building was massive but it only held about 1,000 kids within its walls. Being an awkward seventeen year old wasn't much help when it came to making new friends.

Sitting in physics class I longed to be outside, away from the stuffy classroom and the small pack of boys I was stuck between in the back of the room. Today a girl had ran into me knocking all of my papers onto the ground. As I bent down to pick them up the bell rang and kids stepped all over them leaving dusty shoe prints. Ever since the incident I had been in an awful mood.

So when the oddly died haired boy next to me poked me a good seven times in the ribs I flip around in my seat at him, hair flipping around in my face, eyebrows scrunched in anger. "What do you want?" I ask, my light voice dropping four tones. He leans back in his seat as the boys around him snicker. "I just wanted to know if I could borrow a pencil." He rubs at the back of neck not meeting my eyes.

Guilt washes over me as I see that he meant no harm. Whispering a sorry, I grab my pencil off my desk passing it to him. He grabs it, nodding awkwardly. God damn it Amethyst there went your good chance to make a friend. The black haired friend slaps his hand down on the boys shoulder making both of us flinch. "Sorry." He mumbles bashfully my way before smiling at his odd friend. "How you liking that pencil?" He laughs at his own joke before Mrs. Jones snaps her head in our direction making him sit straight back into his chair.

"Is there a problem Mr. Hood?" His face flushes making me laugh silently watching the poor boy caught in her headlights. "Ms. Blue? Is it funny?" I've never snapped back to the front of the classroom faster making small snickers break out around me. "No Mrs. Jones." I cross my legs grabbing a mechanical pencil out of my bag scribbling the notes of the board in a messy fashion. She slowly turns around making my shoulders slump in disappointment in myself, mostly for being foolish enough to get caught.

When the bell rang that signaled the end of the period I grab my things rushing out of the classroom. After we got into trouble it was suffocatingly quiet in our group. "Amethyst." My name was being hollered in multiple voices behind me. Turning four familiar boys were chasing me down, the oddly colored haired boy in front waving my pencil around.

The people around me laugh making me want to shrink into myself and never come out again. "Yes?" I mumble as they make their way to me through the crowded hallway, children heading home. Once they reach me they just stand there until the brunette slaps the boy with my pencils back. "I forgot to you give you your pencil." He practically tosses it to me before spinning on his heels. The tanned boy grabs his backpack dragging him back to me. "And what else Michael?" He asks expectantly, his eyebrows arched to the heavens.

Michael shrugs confused. The boy lets go of him rolling his eyes, "We saw you sitting alone at lunch and wanted to know if you'd like to sit with us tomorrow?" The blonde snaps his head around to the rest of his group tugging his backpack up higher. "What the hell guys? We didn't discuss that." His face reddens in what I assume was anger making my head immediately want to turn down their invitation. "That's Okay, really, I'm fine setting on my own." I speak up making Michaels eyebrows furrow. "Nobody wants to sit alone. Don't pay attention to Lucas, he's just being a bitch today." He smiles at his blonde friend who doesn't look so pleased.

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