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"I know it, I know it, I know I'm hurting deep down but can't show it"~Logic (1-800-273-8255)


After the dream I got out of bed, completely awake.I grabbed a tee and a sweatshirt, along with some jeans and changed into them.I quickly slipped on some Vans and rushed downstairs, being a little late thanks to the long thoughts I had that morning.

I skipped breakfast, kissed my parents and sprinted outside, greeted by a bored Blake leaning and the wall of his house. "Finally!What took so long?"He asked, throwing his hands up and walking towards me.

"I um- wait, you waited me?"I asked confused.He nodded and looked at me like it was the most obvious thing. "Of course, you're my fake brother"He smiled.I mirrored him and glanced at the time on my phone.

"We better get going tho, we might be late"I announce as we started walking.We decided to race there.We had some laughs when he tripped over a rock and when I almost got hit by a car.

We finally got there just in time, both panting heavily.


I decided I would watch Reece instead of asking, since it's pretty wierd asking about his past when;
One; he doesn't like me
Two; we aren't friends
Three; I just got here aka I'm new

So, that lunchtime, I sat facing their table so I could look at Reece without him noticing.

I noticed that Reece never got out of his bad boy role on school, but he did have a tiny smile while talking to Blake.His actions towards Blake were gentle and soft, while with anybody else they were rather violent.

That meant he only trusted Blake.


Turns out my only class on Thursdays were Reece is too is Science, last period.I had a few glances at him, since he was quite near me.I noticed that, shockingly, he listens in class, and was probably quite smart.


I left school that day school while talking to Connor about some homework, but I glanced a few times at Reece, who was walking in front of us with Blake.

He seemed pretty calm and even happy, but nobody seemed to notice.I said my goodbyes to the squad and started walking to my house, Reece and Blake nowhere to be seen.


That evening started off calm, me doing some homework and receiving a call from Corbyn, who I talked to for almost an hour.Once the call was finish, I started hearing quite loud voices from the neighbors in front, aka Blake.I knew it wasn't his parents since both voices were male.

I peeked through my window and saw Reece and Blake arguing on the younger's room.I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but it was impossible to ignore the voices.

I couldn't hear each word they said, but I did catch a fe things: "you don't understand!"Reece screamed at one point. "Why?Why do you do this to me, to yourself?"Blake yelled afterwards, sounding heartbroken.

I did catch how the conversation ended tho.It ended with Blake yelling "You can't keep doing this!Its destroying you!"And right after Reece exclaimed: "it takes my mind off thing!It takes my mind off him!"And with that that both went silent,

For the rest of the day.


Again, I couldn't sleep that night, wondering what the two boys were arguing about.I couldn't help but wonder if it was the smoking thing, since what Reece said at the end reminded me a lot to what Corbyn said.If that's the case,

then they are more similar that what I thought.


Heyyy:)I know this is quite short, but some drama is coming sooooo


𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲  𒊹︎ Greece ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now