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"Take my hand and show me forever, so never will I ever let you go"~Shawn Mendes (Memories)


That night I had a dream about the flashback I got, making me wake up feeling like there was too much weight on my shoulders.I took that as a sign and decided I would face Reece that same day, after school.

So, once Reece approached us while we were by Blake's locker, I pulled him to a side, him being extremely confused. "I need to talk to you.After school.Behind school"I told him.He nodded slowly, searching for an answer on my face.

I just walked away and joined the squad, taking my mind off what I thought would probably be the worst decision I had ever made.


"So, what's up?"Reece asked once we sat down.I fiddled with my hands.I was more nervous than what I thought. "Well, I know that you...well...lost a friend and then you changed into well... bad boy Reece..."I trailed off, letting him know the first piece of information.

His eyes suddenly went hard. "How?Did Blake tell you?"He asked, voice changing from curios to hard.I gulped in.I didn't want to make him mad.I shook my head. "No, no!I just heard that you had a friend and I know your attitude changed suddenly-"He cut me off tho. "Get to the point, Smith"He demanded.

I took a deep breath. "Look, let me tell you a story"He just stared, so I took it as a sign to continue. "This story is about little George and his family.Little George had parents that weren't much around, too caught up on making money to survive.But, George had a big brother called Corbyn, which he loved with all his heart.Corbyn had a girlfriend called Christina, and Christina a younger brother who turned out being George's best friend"I started off.Reece's anger started to decrease, seeming interested in my (life) story.

"But one day, Corbyn and Christina broke up.Well, she broke up with him.Little, dumb George got mad, knowing that if Corbyn and Christina broke up they wouldn't see each other, meaning him and his best friend wouldn't see each other more.He ignored his brother that night, leaving a broken Corbyn by himself.But, the next day, George found out something.He found out who Christina really was.He didn't find out in a nice way ether.He had entered his brother's room and had found Corbyn on his bed, tears streaming down and a razor on his hand, three fresh cuts on his wrist"I was fighting back tears.I had just started and was already at the edge of tears, how pathetic.

"Little George was scared and confused.Why did his big brother do that?He ran up to him and took the razor off his hand, throwing it out of the window.He wasn't a professional doctor, so he was quite confused about what to do.So he simply got out some band aids to cover them up, kissing each one after.He pulled his brother into a hug, the older one crying hard into little George's arms.Then, he explained to his little brother all the horrifying things his ex-girlfriend had done."I continued, tears running down effortless.I heard Reece take a shaky breath.I wasn't looking at him tho, I just couldn't.In stead, I was glaring at the floor.

"Their relationship started off real and sweet.They kissed, held hands, and went on little dates.But once Corbyn confessed to Christina he was in love with her, she changed.It looked as if she was waiting for that all along.She didn't say it back tho, never did never will.She started beating his boyfriend up, warning him that if he told anybody she would beat him up until he wasn't alive.So Corbyn kept quiet.He got kicked, punched, insulted, screamed at, used.All of this as a secret, obviously."I paused, preparing myself for saying the part of the story which most hurt me.

"But Corbyn still loved her.All along.And he couldn't stop.And the love just made it worse.With every punch, every fake kiss, every scream, his heart broke more and more.But it was still alive, thanks to the love.And all those nights after the beating, he would cry.Cry because he thought he wasn't enough, and that's why she treated him like that.Cried because after all she did, he was still in love.But mostly, cried because of all the bruises he had to cover, all the tears he had to hold back, all the times he had lied.All because of her"By this point I could hear Reece crying too, quiet sobs escaping his mouth.

𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲  𒊹︎ Greece ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now